The splashback scandal: should all men sit down to urinate?
The splashback scandal: should all men sit down to urinate?
The Germans call them Sitzpinklers, and more and more men are now taking the weight off their feet in the bathroom. It could be good for their health – and help protect the family
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There is a poll from 2020 showing that 70% of men in Japan sit. Five years previously the figure was 51%. It seems the world – Japan at least – is changing. To clarify, we are talking about inside the home. Out and about, where there are urinals and queues, it’s a whole different world and a whole different article. I should probably also say that though I’ve been talking about men, it applies to anyone with a penis.
Za žensko uriniranje stoje:Zakaj bi omejevali moške? Naj raje isto omgočijo ženskam
Kako veš?Tole NE deluje! Nepraktično!
Jonas je moj favorit. Iz osrčja WOKE stranke, da pribiješ eno tako.![]()
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Naziv bodeča neža za seksistično izjavo leta podeljujeta festival Rdeče zore in uredništvo spletnega portala skupaj z zainteresirano javnostjo. Letošnja delovna skupina je izbrala 16 izjav, ki so nominirane za ta nelaskavi
Zgleda da res...:Ob ponatisu je potrebno prilagoditi knjige.
Zakaj natisnit, če so pa lahko v elektronski obliki. Bo tudi vnaprej laže cenzurirat.Pomeni kaj? Vse knjige na planetu zazgat in natisnit spremenjene?