Disturbing video shows moment beloved activist, poet is randomly stabbed to death in front of girlfriend after they attended wedding together
The girlfriend of Ryan Carson, 32, raises her hand to stop the attacker, who then turns on her, spitting in her face. He then kicks Carson’s mortally wounded body on the ground and storms away.
nekje v zda je afroamerican štihnil nekega znanega in medijsko precej glasnega ekstremnega levičarja do smrti. Njegova punca (predsednica lokalne antifa organizacije), je to zraven umirjeno gledala. Nato ni hotela dati opisa morilca policiji, niti njegove rase (da ne bi izpadla rasistka). Dobili so ga po varnostnih kamerah. That's how deep it goes. Čista mentalna bolezen.
Zdaj zbirajo denar, a ne za pogreb in za starše umorjenega, ampak da bodo sami lažje žalovali za storilcem.