A to prov tko, lastnoročno, drži Ruse na primerni distanci?poleg tega se pa ze pol leta upira okupatorju.
A to prov tko, lastnoročno, drži Ruse na primerni distanci?poleg tega se pa ze pol leta upira okupatorju.
in to se tem ko kritizira in obtožuje vse naokoli?poleg tega se pa ze pol leta upira okupatorju.
Pa vse to si brez navodil dognal... Topja prov tako. putina drzi za vrat in ga drzi stran.
sicer te slike noce objavit, ker ga je putko prosil, da mu ne bo sramote delal. k putin je car.
“When we entered Bucha by car, I was in the passenger seat. And as we drove through the city, I saw bodies of people on the sides of the streets, and at the same time I saw people’s bodies being taken out of trucks and laid out next to the bodies lying on the ground to give the effect of mass killings (…) One of the volunteers who was at this place the day before (…) [told me that] he saw refrigerator trucks from other cities of Ukraine coming to Bucha and unloading bodies and laying them out in rows. I realized from this that they were staging mass massacres (…) We were warned that [if we took photos or videos] we would get imprisonment for ten years or more severe consequences. This ban also applied to the locals. This pressure was exerted by the military, primarily by the Azov men. Today, Europe does not understand how great the pressure is on the population of Ukraine”, he states.
Lade ne gredo v promet, imajo rusi premalo mrtvih.Ruski AvtoVAZ že odpušča delavce, kako je to mogoče? Kak je mogoče da ni delov? Pa da pade promet za 80%. Saj EU/ZDA sankcije ne delujejo
te pa naj vlado zniža kriterije, pa bodo lade šle u prometLade ne gredo v promet, imajo rusi premalo mrtvih.
in to se tem ko kritizira in obtožuje vse naokoli?
Dejansko pa ce ne bi bile stvari pripravljene prej in folk motiviran ter velika podpore Z verjetno bi bilo drugace.
A ti mislis, da ce bi zbezal, da se ostali ne bi uprli?
Polega tega spremljam se enih *par* ukrajinskih politikov ipd. in so podbni. Vsa cast izjemam kot je predsednik parlamenta recimo.
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