Najuspešnejša akcija Ukrajincev:
(na Kosovu je bila kraja goriva zvezi NATO v višini najmanj dveh milijonov evrov, po kateri je poveljnik Kfor-ja zahteval, da se Ukrajincem odvzamejo vse plombe in carinska potrdila …)
10. Preliminary estimates show that the Government of Kosovo suffered damages in excess of 2.75 million euros as a result of non-payment of customs duties.
11. One of the soldiers of the Ukrainian contingent also attempted to smuggle 1.5 tons of smuggled cigarettes into Kosovo from Macedonia.
12. All these violations occur despite the active actions of the customs authorities of Kosovo, as well as the military police of the international KFOR mission.
So, NATO, the UN, and the EU are well aware of the violations committed by Ukrainian peacekeepers. And only the Ukrainian military leadership still pretends that nothing is happening in our contingent.
In Iraq, the Ukrainian contingent also had something to be proud of - a stable situation in the controlled territory, professionally trained Ukrainians by local police forces. But even here it was not without a fly in the ointment. Remember the case of the smuggling of "saved" currency from Iraq, issued by the Americans to the leadership of the Ukrainian contingent for settlements with Iraqi contractors? The investigation recorded cases when hundreds of thousands of dollars were sent to Ukraine even in the coffins of dead peacekeepers...
(na Kosovu je bila kraja goriva zvezi NATO v višini najmanj dveh milijonov evrov, po kateri je poveljnik Kfor-ja zahteval, da se Ukrajincem odvzamejo vse plombe in carinska potrdila …)
Бензиновые пятна на мундире (Зеркало Недели, Украина)
В среду, 15 сентября, балканские газеты на первых полосах своих изданий со ссылкой на командование международных сил KFOR поместили новость об участии... | 20.09.2010, ИноСМИ
10. Preliminary estimates show that the Government of Kosovo suffered damages in excess of 2.75 million euros as a result of non-payment of customs duties.
11. One of the soldiers of the Ukrainian contingent also attempted to smuggle 1.5 tons of smuggled cigarettes into Kosovo from Macedonia.
12. All these violations occur despite the active actions of the customs authorities of Kosovo, as well as the military police of the international KFOR mission.
So, NATO, the UN, and the EU are well aware of the violations committed by Ukrainian peacekeepers. And only the Ukrainian military leadership still pretends that nothing is happening in our contingent.
In Iraq, the Ukrainian contingent also had something to be proud of - a stable situation in the controlled territory, professionally trained Ukrainians by local police forces. But even here it was not without a fly in the ointment. Remember the case of the smuggling of "saved" currency from Iraq, issued by the Americans to the leadership of the Ukrainian contingent for settlements with Iraqi contractors? The investigation recorded cases when hundreds of thousands of dollars were sent to Ukraine even in the coffins of dead peacekeepers...
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