Vojna v Ukrajini 2


YUGOslovanski mehanik Dmitri Mendeleev
23. jul 2008
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4. jun 2014
Emanuel Macron has called a second emergency summit in Paris this afternoon. Annalena Baerbock has also stated that Eu is getting ready a 700 Billion Euros in order to support Europe’s defence as well as the Ukrainian military.
A je to, od kje oz komu bomo vzeli teh 700 miljard tudi povedala?

Ali ima kdo kakšno idejo, komu bodo vzeli, da bodo dali za vojsko in Ukrajino?

Medtem pa ves ruski vojaški proračun znaša 70 miljard - tako ste nekoč tu pisali.
  • Objave ne odobravam
Reactions: leibstandarte


11. mar 2010
A je to, od kje oz komu bomo vzeli teh 700 miljard tudi povedala?

Ali ima kdo kakšno idejo, komu bodo vzeli, da bodo dali za vojsko in Ukrajino?

Medtem pa ves ruski vojaški proračun znaša 70 miljard - tako ste nekoč tu pisali.
Za začetek lahko recimo ukalkuliraš 300miljard ruskih zamrznjenih sredstev.


4. jun 2014
Za začetek lahko recimo ukalkuliraš 300miljard ruskih zamrznjenih sredstev.
A niso rekli da so jih 50 miljard od teh že lani zapravili?
Khmm, in ko bodo rusi odgovorili z enakim povračilnim ukrepom?
In zahodnega premoženja je v Rusiji nekajkrat več kot ruskega v EU?

In ko bo EU izgubila zaupanje vlagateljev, ker država, ki se spomni ukrast neka sredstva pač ni zaupanja vredna ????
  • Objave ne odobravam
Reactions: leibstandarte


6. sep 2007
A niso rekli da so jih 50 miljard od teh že lani zapravili?
Khmm, in ko bodo rusi odgovorili z enakim povračilnim ukrepom?
In zahodnega premoženja je v Rusiji nekajkrat več kot ruskega v EU?

In ko bo EU izgubila zaupanje vlagateljev, ker država, ki se spomni ukrast neka sredstva pač ni zaupanja vredna ????

Ne, uporabljajo samo denar od obresti teh sredstev, ki pa tudi nanese milijarde na leto.


Osebje foruma
18. sep 2007
Saj pocrkalo je tudi milijon stepsko ruskih gnid, dobili so pa kolk ozemlja? Še svojega so nekaj izgubili.

Rusi imajo okoli 100.000 mrtvih vojakov. Ti se vedno verjames lazem?
Kursk je dobra past za iztrebljanje najboljsih ukraijinskih rezerv, v vzhodni Ukrajini pa ukrajinci 'zmagujejo' tako, da napredujejo v rikverc.
EU bo pa gospodarsko zgnila tako kot sem pred tremi leti napovedal, da bo.
Nazadnje urejeno:


Osebje foruma
18. sep 2007

Think of it, a modestly successful comedian, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, talked the United States of America into spending $350 Billion Dollars, to go into a War that couldn’t be won, that never had to start, but a War that he, without the U.S. and “TRUMP,” will never be able to settle. The United States has spent $200 Billion Dollars more than Europe, and Europe’s money is guaranteed, while the United States will get nothing back. Why didn’t Sleepy Joe Biden demand Equalization, in that this War is far more important to Europe than it is to us — We have a big, beautiful Ocean as separation. On top of this, Zelenskyy admits that half of the money we sent him is “MISSING.” He refuses to have Elections, is very low in Ukrainian Polls, and the only thing he was good at was playing Biden “like a fiddle.” A Dictator without Elections, Zelenskyy better move fast or he is not going to have a Country left. In the meantime, we are successfully negotiating an end to the War with Russia, something all admit only “TRUMP,” and the Trump Administration, can do. Biden never tried, Europe has failed to bring Peace, and Zelenskyy probably wants to keep the “gravy train” going. I love Ukraine, but Zelenskyy has done a terrible job, his Country is shattered, and MILLIONS have unnecessarily died – And so it continues…..


11. mar 2010

Think of it, a modestly successful comedian, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, talked the United States of America into spending $350 Billion Dollars, to go into a War that couldn’t be won, that never had to start, but a War that he, without the U.S. and “TRUMP,” will never be able to settle. The United States has spent $200 Billion Dollars more than Europe, and Europe’s money is guaranteed, while the United States will get nothing back. Why didn’t Sleepy Joe Biden demand Equalization, in that this War is far more important to Europe than it is to us — We have a big, beautiful Ocean as separation. On top of this, Zelenskyy admits that half of the money we sent him is “MISSING.” He refuses to have Elections, is very low in Ukrainian Polls, and the only thing he was good at was playing Biden “like a fiddle.” A Dictator without Elections, Zelenskyy better move fast or he is not going to have a Country left. In the meantime, we are successfully negotiating an end to the War with Russia, something all admit only “TRUMP,” and the Trump Administration, can do. Biden never tried, Europe has failed to bring Peace, and Zelenskyy probably wants to keep the “gravy train” going. I love Ukraine, but Zelenskyy has done a terrible job, his Country is shattered, and MILLIONS have unnecessarily died – And so it continues…..