Economist (to je znan proruski občasnik, ki ga bere peščica ljudi in ima sumljive pisce) pa trdi:
"Once again, however, the Russian economy appears to be proving the pessimists wrong. Data to be published on March 13th are expected to show that prices rose by 0.6% month-on-month in February, down from 1.1% at the end of last year. On a year-on-year basis inflation is probably no longer rising, having hit 7.5% in November Many forecasters expect the rate to fall to just 4% before long, and households’ expectations of future inflation have flattened. "
"Yet Russia still seems to be heading for a “soft landing”, in which inflation slows without crushing the economy. The performance of the economy is now in line with its pre-invasion trend; GDP grew in real terms by more than 3% last year. Unemployment remains at a record low. And there is little evidence of corporate distress; indeed, the rate of business closures recently hit an eight-year low. The Moscow Exchange is hoping to see more than 20 initial public offerings this year, up from nine last year."
"As new trading relationships have bedded in, Russian exporters have dared to raise prices, supporting revenues and profits. The discount on oil Russia offers to Chinese customers, for instance, has fallen from more than 10% in early 2022 to about 5% today. "
Skratka, izgleda, da Rusija lahko z vojno in sankcijami živi, preživi in celo raste. Kaj pa Ukrajina, EU, ZDA?

Russia’s economy once again defies the doomsayers
As an election nears, Vladimir Putin now looks to have inflation under control
"Once again, however, the Russian economy appears to be proving the pessimists wrong. Data to be published on March 13th are expected to show that prices rose by 0.6% month-on-month in February, down from 1.1% at the end of last year. On a year-on-year basis inflation is probably no longer rising, having hit 7.5% in November Many forecasters expect the rate to fall to just 4% before long, and households’ expectations of future inflation have flattened. "
"Yet Russia still seems to be heading for a “soft landing”, in which inflation slows without crushing the economy. The performance of the economy is now in line with its pre-invasion trend; GDP grew in real terms by more than 3% last year. Unemployment remains at a record low. And there is little evidence of corporate distress; indeed, the rate of business closures recently hit an eight-year low. The Moscow Exchange is hoping to see more than 20 initial public offerings this year, up from nine last year."
"As new trading relationships have bedded in, Russian exporters have dared to raise prices, supporting revenues and profits. The discount on oil Russia offers to Chinese customers, for instance, has fallen from more than 10% in early 2022 to about 5% today. "
Skratka, izgleda, da Rusija lahko z vojno in sankcijami živi, preživi in celo raste. Kaj pa Ukrajina, EU, ZDA?