Ukrainian Soldiers and their genetically modified tactical Battle Squirrel - Latest News
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Verjetno nikomur pametnemu na tem svetu, edino če gleda na lastno rit, ni to v pogodu."Fora" teh sabotaž je strah, da bi se Nemčija in Rusija čez čas vseeno dogovorili o prejemanju plina... Kar seveda nikakor ni pogodu ZDA...
Saj Rusom ni problem izpolnjevati pogodbene obveznosti.Rusi so zaradi puščanja plina in višje sile osvobojeni izpolnjevanja pogodbenih obveznosti. 100 % sem, da je treba motiv in krivca iskati v tej smeri.
It doesn't matter if Nord Stream 1-2 works, Germany is obliged to pay for the gas it didn't take
Germany is contractually obligated to purchase at least 40 billion cubic meters of Russian gas per year until 2030. In case of refusal, Gazprom has the right to receive money without supplying gas.
Now, due to sanctions, Germany does not receive gas in the required volume, but is obliged to pay for it:
"There is one problem - long-term contracts that work on the principle of take or pay ..."
Viš, to pa tudi Nemce postavi v vrsto kandidatov za sabotažo.Robert Habeck, nemški gospodarski minister, 25.3.2022:
Kje vas najdejo?Naj bi bil “sunek” plina, verjetno kaj “spisdlo” rusom skozi ker so pac nespos
Kitajska je na dan referenduma povedala, da ne bo priznala.Serbia will not recognise the results of "sham" referendums held in four occupied regions of Ukraine, President Aleksandar Vucic said.
Kitajska tudi ne more/sme. Kdo se ostane?