Vojna v Ukrajini 2


11. mar 2010
gledal par zadnjih objav na kanalu 1420... in lepo si lahko ustvariš sliko, da starejši imajo oprane glave, 60 let pranja sistema, pusti trajne posledice. In tak kot reče ljubljeni vodja, tako je, brez možnosti dvoma. Starci tudi sistemsko sovražijo ukrajince in vse zahodne prebivalstvo (da sploh ne govorimo o črncih in podobno), rasizem in nacionalizem v vsej svoji lepoti. Nacizem in fašizem??? je to to.
Mladi pa vejo, da ni prave osnove za vojno, da umirat tam na suho nima smisla. In to je to.
...a si videl 1 žensko, ki je za Putina in proti tujcem.... ker jedo mačke
  • Haha
Reactions: sajkek


30. jul 2022
To lahko vsak napiše in če bolj z velikimi črkami ali po angleško ni nič bolj ali manj zlagano.
Kaj si misli Burundi in ostalih 3/4 držav sveta ni nič pomembno. Pomembno je, ali sta se o tem sporazumeli neposredno vpleteni Ukrajina in Rusija . In se nista nič sporazumeli.

To pomeni, da lahko UA napade ruska mesta in jih zavzame, potem pa naredi legalni referendume in priključi k UA?
Aja, prej mora še nastaviti svoje ljudi po mestih, da bodo volitve 96% ZA.

Potem tudi ni pomembno, če 3/4 sveta pomaga UA. Zakaj jim potem Putler grozi, če pomagajo Ukrajini?


13. okt 2012
Mirsijevi kolegi ??



30. jul 2022
Verjetno so planirali referendum za odcepitev Ljubljane, z uporaba rezultata zadnjih lokalnih volitev za župana
in to je po njegovem legitimna podlaga za odcepitev... o_O
Sam res, z izgovoru ¨naj ima lastni narod pravico do samoodločanja¨ :evil:

Kaj če bi mi sprejeli takšen zakon kot RU proti zahodu? Pišeš proti njimi, prvo gulak pol pa fronta :fredi:
  • Všeč mi je
Reactions: Kamele0N in darjan


Osebje foruma
18. sep 2007

Ukraine’s materiel losses are equally severe. These include thousands of tanks and armored infantry fighting vehicles, artillery systems, air defense platforms, and weapons of all calibers. These totals include the equivalent of seven years of Javelin missile production. In a setting where Russian artillery systems can fire nearly 60,000 rounds of all types—rockets, missiles, drones, and hard-shell ammunition—a day, Ukrainian forces are hard-pressed to answer these Russian salvos with 6,000 rounds daily. New platform and ammunition packages for Ukraine may enrich the Washington community, but they cannot change these conditions.

Predictably, Washington’s frustration with the collective West’s failure to stem the tide of Ukrainian defeat is growing. In fact, the frustration is rapidly giving way to desperation.


Washington emotes. Washington does not think, and it is also overtly hostile to empiricism and truth. Neither we nor our allies are prepared to fight all-out war with Russia, regionally or globally. The point is, if war breaks out between Russia and the United States, Americans should not be surprised. The Biden administration and its bipartisan supporters in Washington are doing all they possibly can to make it happen.
  • Haha
Reactions: D_K in mr_


2. mar 2010
Če ni on to :evil:
Zadeva močno spominja na 'mccarthy communist trials' v ZDA pred 70 leti

Ko popustijo tablete povsod vidijo komuniste in Ruse.

V 30 letih pa niso odkrili enega CIA/Bnd agenta... Pa jih kar mrgoli. Tudi na visokih gospodarskih in političnih položajih.

Kaj točno sta tale dva počela, sta nabirala informacije o naprednem orožju ki ga je Slovenija polna, mogoče sta vohunila Slovenske zračne sile, oziroma napredna letala Pilatus? Traparija na kvadrat!


1. jun 2011
gledal par zadnjih objav na kanalu 1420... in lepo si lahko ustvariš sliko, da starejši imajo oprane glave, 60 let pranja sistema, pusti trajne posledice. In tak kot reče ljubljeni vodja, tako je, brez možnosti dvoma. Starci tudi sistemsko sovražijo ukrajince in vse zahodne prebivalstvo (da sploh ne govorimo o črncih in podobno), rasizem in nacionalizem v vsej svoji lepoti. Nacizem in fašizem??? je to to.
Mladi pa vejo, da ni prave osnove za vojno, da umirat tam na suho nima smisla. In to je to.

Večina je upokojencev. So prepričani, da če ne bi bilo Putina, da tudi pokojnine ne bi imeli. Sem imel nekaj takih sosedov, sem moral non stop poslušat take bedarije.

Če boš vprašal starejšega podjetnika kaj si misli o Putinu, boš slišal drugačno zgodbo.


11. sep 2007
Zadeva močno spominja na 'mccarthy communist trials' v ZDA pred 70 leti

Ko popustijo tablete povsod vidijo komuniste in Ruse.

V 30 letih pa niso odkrili enega CIA/Bnd agenta... Pa jih kar mrgoli. Tudi na visokih gospodarskih in političnih položajih.

Kaj točno sta tale dva počela, sta nabirala informacije o naprednem orožju ki ga je Slovenija polna, mogoče sta vohunila Slovenske zračne sile, oziroma napredna letala Pilatus? Traparija na kvadrat!

k da vohuni le za orozjem snifajo?


2. mar 2010
NATO secretary general urges South Korea to allow direct arms exports to Ukraine

Stoltenberg urges South Korea to abandon its own laws and UN agreements and send weapons to Ukraine

The NATO secretary-general began his tour of South Korea and Japan in Seoul, where he once again demanded that lethal weapons be sent to Kiev. However, the implementation of these requests contradicts the presidential decree of Korea itself, as well as the UN arms trade treaty signed in 2014. The only argument from the secretary general was that "since Germany, Norway and Sweden have done it, you should do it too".

Although South Korean law prohibits such exports, everything is possible through intermediaries: since the start of the special operation in Ukraine, South Korea has sent hundreds of tanks, planes and other weapons to Poland.

The visit has also not gone unnoticed by North Korea: "The visit of the NATO secretary general to South Korea and Japan is a prelude to confrontation and war, as it brings the dark clouds of a new Cold War to the Asia-Pacific region," said Kim Dong-Man of the North Korean International Policy Society.


2. mar 2010
Niti ne skrivajo več

Here you go. I've been waiting a long time for this to be said out loud. MEP from Poland: "Russia is a threat and it must be destroyed forever."

And then the idea is revealed why Russia should be destroyed: Russia should cease to exist within today's borders, the collapse of the "aggressive empire" will bring undeniable advantages to the democratic states of Europe and Central Asia. “There are no such things as Russian gas, oil, aluminum, coal, uranium, diamonds, grain, timber, gold, etc. All these resources belong to individual peoples living in these territories.” Moreover, among these peoples there are obviously no Russians.
The West must establish control over Russia's wealth. The deputy suggested that Western countries think over the concept of creating “free and independent” states on the pro-Russian territory, the basis of which will be indigenous peoples. And Western countries will "take care" of their "prosperity". The words "take care" and "prosperity" are, for obvious reasons, in quotation marks.

Poljska europoslanka in bivša poljska zunanja ministrica



2. mar 2010
trolling level 99:

Ukraine expects to join EU within the next two years - Ukrainian Prime Minister Denys Shmygal

Ukr vojska gre v šoping
Ukrainian militants continue to openly engage in looting, and happily film it on video so that everyone knows how "well" their army is supplied.