Vojna v Ukrajini 2


2. mar 2010
Kakšne provizije misliš da vlečejo ZDA proizvajalci orožja ?
In to povsem legalno.

Vsi ostali so za njih amaterji.


30. jul 2022
VSI proizvajalci orožja vlečejo provizije na svetu, a je v RU kaj drugače? Aja tam še 50% letnega vojaškega proračuna zgine in pol na TASS-u pišejo, da bodo iskali krivca, kje je denar...itd. Ja denar je v jahtah, kje pa?

Behind the fence, propagandists have already talked about the return of Ukrainian territories and that this"will not be a defeat for the Russian Federation" Well,yes, the old core scarecrow is right here.They probably sense their failure by touching the sovereignty of Ukraine️

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20. sep 2007
Prešaltat iz miga 29 na f-16 pa je najbrž isto enostavno kot če prešaltaš iz škode na toyoto?

Kolk let usposabljanja je treba, da realno obvladaš zadevo? Al je dost par poletov, da dobiš občutek pa akcija? Pa pol, da tehniki to obvladajo?
Jaz bi rekel, da se ua piloti že precej časa nekje usposabljajo na f16. Prehod ni stvar dni, pa tudi let ne.


4. jun 2014
Ukrajinski nacisti, so bili odgovor na piz. ki so jih Rusi prej delali Ukrajini...
A zdej bi pa rad zadevo zrelativiziral kaj je bilo prej, kura ali jajce, pa al je privi ukrajinc rusu babo pof.. ali obratno, pa sta se skregala..

Državni udar in odstavili legalno izvoljeno vlado c pomočjo zda so pa ukrajinski nacisti al ruski?


2. mar 2010
Petro Poroshenko announced another cynical approach of the Ukrainian government to the recalcitrant residents of Donbass during his speech in Odessa.

Video je iz 10/2014

Zelenski je že na svoji prvi tiskovni konferenci, 11.10.2019 razlagal, kako se ukrajina pripravlja na vojno

Nemški tanki v Ukrajino, nemški parlament, video

Prispevek BBC-ja pomaga razumeti, zakaj:
Neo-Nazi threat in new Ukraine
Ein Volk, Ein Reich, Ein Führer! [One People, One Realm, One Leader!]

Poveljnik ameriške Mozart najemniške grupe po vrnitvi iz Ukrajine nima ravno lepih besed o Ukrajincih in njihovem kršenju Haaške konvencije:
"ne moreš kar streljati ujetnikov..."

Zunaj je tudi nekaj novih posnetkov pretepanja ruskih ujetnikov. Rusi se sprašujejo, kaj se potem šele dogaja, ko se Ukrajinci ne snemajo in objavljajo po socialnih medijih.

V Ukrajini je javna tajna, da je med Monastirskim (minister)
in Budanovim bil konflikt zaradi delitve deleža od prodaje zahodnega orožja na črnem trgu. Nihče ne bo nikogar obtožil.

Tudi Julian Ropcke (znan kot Jihadi John iz Sirije) iz nemškega Bilda (ruski agent po ukrajinsko) sporoča, da ukrajinska fronta okoli Bakhmuta razpada.

Južno so se prebili do Oleksandro-Shultyne (to je že predmestje Konstantinivke).

Na severu zavzeli Krasnopolivko in doesegli v Blagodatne (to je čez železnico zahodno od Soledarjevega rudnika št.7).

Na ukrajinskem Liveua so Klescheevko in okolico že pobarvali pod Ruse. Naslednji cilj je sedaj vasica Ivanivske, ki pa je že na glavni oskbovalni cesti med Časov yarom in Bakhmutom.
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2. mar 2010
Madžarska vs Ukr
Madžarska je začasno zablokirala EU pomoč 500.000 mln. ukrajini. V odgovor ukrajinci snemajo Madžarske zastave in napise v Madžarščini v Zakarpatju.
Na območju zakarpatskega mesta Mukačevo, kjer živi veliko število etničnih Madžarov, so odstranili madžarske zastave in napise v madžarskem jeziku. Ravnatelj madžarske šole je bil odpuščen. "Obsojamo, kar se je zgodilo. Lokalne voditelje pozivamo, naj takoj ustavijo zločine nad Madžari," je dejal Menzer, tiskovni predstavnik madžarskega zunanjega ministrstva.

Slejkoprej bo tudi v EU prišel ukrajinski nacizem.


2. mar 2010
Spiegel live

Original Spiegel article(since our dear followers and subscribers wanted to see it,so we are presenting it)

Armed Forces of Ukraine lose a three–digit number of servicemen a day in the battles for Artemovsk (Bakhmut po Ukr) - a report by the German Federal Intelligence Service (BND).


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2. mar 2010
Halo Vojnik, pacient vam je ušel iz zaprtega oddelka!?

Josep Borrel, vodja EU diplomacije:
"Russia is used to fighting to the end, it defeated Napoleon and Hitler" -

"Russia is a big country, it is used to fighting to the end, it is used to almost losing, and then restoring everything. She did it to Napoleon, she did it to Hitler. It would be absurd to think that Russia has lost the war or that its military is incompetent ...", - said the Head of EU diplomacy Borrel at a ceremony in Madrid, where he was awarded the prize of the forum "New Economy".

"Therefore, right now it is necessary to continue arming Ukraine," he added.

Borrel stated the EU's unwillingness to become a participant in the conflict in Ukraine

At the same time, the High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy explained that the countries of the community "help Kiev militarily".

The European Union is not and does not want to become a party to the conflict in Ukraine. This was stated on Friday by the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Josep Borrel, speaking at the award ceremony of the New Economy Forum in Madrid.

"The EU is not involved in the war in Ukraine," he said. "We are not [one of] the sides of the war, we don't want to be it." At the same time, the head of EU diplomacy explained that the countries of the community "help militarily" Kiev.

Borrel acknowledged that the conflict in Ukraine began back in 2014. According to his version, "until the last moment, Europe tried to avoid war." The head of EU diplomacy also once again stated the need to provide military assistance to Kiev. In case people want to do psychological research on Josep Borell,there is a lot of material.

"I think that Ukraine needs combat weapons and heavy tanks, which it asked for, and some European countries are ready to provide it," - Josep Borrel

"The EU and member states have already allocated military aid to Ukraine for €10 billion" - Josep Borrel


2. mar 2010
Kar pojasnjuje, zakaj sedaj leopardi in challengerji.
Ukr je imela leto nazaj 2000 tankov (ostale Eu države jih imajo po maks. 200), okoli 500 so jih dobili dodatno, sedaj spet pravijo, da so brez njih.

"The stocks of Soviet-style weapons in the EU have been exhausted, so the countries of the community intend to urgently increase the production of weapons for supplies to Kiev and for their own armies," - Czech musicologist and Minister for EU Affairs Mikuláš Bek said.

Deratizacija Azovcev
SITREP: Klishchiivka Area, 19/01/2023

Last night, we reported that Klishchiivka was completely captured, and that, the Azov Battalion was stuck in one of the entrechments outside of the village. We have just received news about their 'breakout operation'.

Late at night, one of the groupings of the Azov Battalion, who were not completely entrenched in here, but were scattered in the fields, that were being pounded by Artillery, decided to leave. They managed to successfully get away with only around 25KIA, and around 50WIA. However, the remaining group of Azov (250 men) remained in the entrenchment, and hours later, under the cover of darkness, they attempted to leave, however, units of the PMC Wagner detected them, and almost obliterated them all. Losses are above 200, some managed to crawl away, but wounded.

Apart from this "Azovstal V2" shenanigan, units of the PMC Wagner were able to expand the control zone over Klishchiivka, and capture the largely fortified position.

Tudi slavni streljači ujetnikov v kolena so bili na vrsti:
In the Direction of Outer Artemovsk Industrial Area, units of the PMC Wagner inflicted losses on the "Skala Intelligence Battalion" and the 214 Special Forces brigade (infamously known for the kneecaping video from Kiev area), and expanded control over a few highrise buildings.