Vojna v Ukrajini 2


24. jul 2007
Glede na to, da tudi sam pogledm kak njegov video, mi tudi ni jasno, kje si našu, da je on nek woke mulc?
Zamešal ga je s tem fantkom oblečenim v kamuflažno srajčko in se ima za vojaškega stratega



30. jul 2022


2. mar 2010
Ukr televizijski kanal "1+1" je v vrstici objavil informacije o več kot 1.126.652 milijona mrtvih in pogrešanih vojakov oboroženih sil Ukrajine.
Vodstvo kanala se je po klicu iz pisarne Zelenskega opravičilo za "tipkarskega škrata".

Kozmični dež verjetno.
  • Všeč mi je
Reactions: AndY1


2. mar 2010
Novice iz 404 kanalov

Inside Our source in the General Staff said that Ukrainian Armed Forces soldiers began to more often leave positions near Avdiivka and retreat to other positions, due to problems with supplies and low morale. The industrial zone in Avdievka was given away without a serious assault on the enemy, the units simply left positions that had been preparing since 2014 and retreated to the city

The shortage of weapons will be solved in the Soviet way - total mobilization of youth. We will send reserves against enemy artillery and cluster bombs to hold Bakhmut or Avdiivka. At the same time, the Office of the President is planning a new counter-offensive for the spring of 2024.

“A new secret plan for Ukraine,” an article in the German newspaper Bild

The publication reports that the United States and Germany intend to force Zelensky to negotiate with Russia, but they do not plan to directly convince Zelensky of the need for negotiations.

“ Zelensky must himself come to the understanding that this cannot continue like this. Without any prompting from the outside. He must of his own free will turn to his people and explain that negotiations are necessary,” one insider in the German government told BILD .

According to the author of the article, the meaning of the “secret plan” is that Germany and the United States plan to supply Kiev with precisely those weapons and precisely in those quantities in which the Ukrainian army is capable of holding the current front, but is unable to recapture the territories occupied by Russia.

tole verjetno

Colleagues , let's add your insight by saying that this was unexpected for the Office of the President and General Syrsky.
There was no order for the Ukrainian Armed Forces soldiers who were holding the “industry” in Avdievka to retreat or relocate . This is purely their personal decision.
That is why Bankovaya and Syrsky sent new forces to recapture the industrial zone, but there was no success. The Russians repulsed the attack of the Ukrainian Armed Forces and began to gain a foothold in new positions.
Sad news comes from the Avdeevsky front, where the stranglehold abandoned by the Russians is slowly but tightening. Also, due to losses, shortage of ammo, heavy armor and artillery, the morale of the soldiers drops.

Our source reports that Zelensky and Ermak are preparing an interesting project in its “packaging”.
A project for the construction of commercial prisons in Ukraine, which will be positioned as something “breakthrough” with an emphasis on the European style. But the essence of this project is that, according to analysts from the Office of the President in Ukraine, there will be a huge increase in arrests and imprisonments of “everyone” in the next 2 years. ZeErmak simply needs new prisons, but if they are built/opened by the state, then everyone will understand what the authorities are preparing for, and if they are “packaged” under private investment (their own companies), then no questions should arise.
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