Vegani zopet v akciji


10. dec 2007
Sv3rige, to je una budala, ko se prehranjuje s surovim mesom? :zavijazocmi: Ja, njega je res za poslušat.

Ti dam js enega, nutritionfacts. Sicer vegansko orientiran, (če smo že v veganski temi) ampak vsaj kej pametnega izveš.


YUGOslovanski mehanik Dmitri Mendeleev
23. jul 2008
Za mleko sem že napisal da je za teličke (zbrisan post)....meni nabije holesterol v višave......

Mi pa drugače diši in sem ga (oz še vedno bi ga lahkol) bp spil 1+L na dan...
  • Všeč mi je
Reactions: Mirc4u2c


6. sep 2007

Fast Food Chain Creates The Marrot, A Carrot Made Of Meat Just To Troll Vegans


As the vegan movement rises, so too – inevitably – does the resistance.

And while some meat-lovers decided the best way to do this is just to go and eat some raw meat in front of vegans, one restaurant is getting a bit more thoughtful when it comes to consuming meat.
Beloved American eatery Arby’s has developed the Marrot – a carrot made of meat – because, y’know, if you can have plant-based meat substitutes, why not have it the other way round? Answering the question that no one was asking, Arby’s went ahead and developed the Marrot.

Looking like one of the perfectly shaped, bright orange carrots Bugs Bunny would eat, the Marrot is simply shaped turkey breast, which is boiled, rolled in dried carrot juice powder, and then roasted to finish. Add a sprig of parsley for the classic green stalk, and there you have it.
It looks like the Marrot could be the first in a line of ‘Meat Vegetables’, which the fast food chain is calling ‘Megetables’, because everyone loves a good portmanteau.

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6. nov 2018
- za tvojim hrbtom...

Fast Food Chain Creates The Marrot, A Carrot Made Of Meat Just To Troll Vegans


As the vegan movement rises, so too – inevitably – does the resistance.

And while some meat-lovers decided the best way to do this is just to go and eat some raw meat in front of vegans, one restaurant is getting a bit more thoughtful when it comes to consuming meat.
Beloved American eatery Arby’s has developed the Marrot – a carrot made of meat – because, y’know, if you can have plant-based meat substitutes, why not have it the other way round? Answering the question that no one was asking, Arby’s went ahead and developed the Marrot.

Looking like one of the perfectly shaped, bright orange carrots Bugs Bunny would eat, the Marrot is simply shaped turkey breast, which is boiled, rolled in dried carrot juice powder, and then roasted to finish. Add a sprig of parsley for the classic green stalk, and there you have it.
It looks like the Marrot could be the first in a line of ‘Meat Vegetables’, which the fast food chain is calling ‘Megetables’, because everyone loves a good portmanteau.

Več na:

Saj verjetno je bilo že vprašano, ampak, ravno zaradi "korenčka"... Kako se veganke razmnožujejo, če želijo vse naravno, mesa pa ne dajo vase?...


21. dec 2007
Pogledal do polovice, ker več trenutno ne utegnem, pa vidim, da je filmček izrazito vegansko usmerjeno posnet. Seveda se v hlevih teleta loči od krav, saj ga lahko v nasprotnem primeru pohodijo. So pa potem teleta večinoma nekje, kjer jih krave lahko vidijo. Svet je krut, sprijazni se. Če ljudje rabijo represijo te vabim, da ti poskušaš kateri kravi z lepimi besedami povedati, kaj želiš od nje. Ker krave pač ne razumejo besede prosim. Ta na posnetku sicer nekoliko pretirava s kričanjem. Mi smo včeraj selili kravo, ki so jo druge krave, ki so se gonile med porodom poškodovale in sedaj ne more stati. Nesli smo jo iz hleva v drug prostor na mehko slamo, kjer ji bo lepo in upamo, da gre samo za poškodovano mišico in se bo zacelilo. Ker če je kost potem ji ne bo več pomoči. Smo zdaj tirani? O "posiljevanju" krav pa nebi. Lahko pa se ti kdaj poskusiš nastaviti pred bika. Mene je ravno 2 tedna nazaj eden poškodoval, k sreči lažje. Drugače pa čez leto tudi pasemo, sedaj vreme ne dopušča.