Naslov posnetka...Tip v modri majici naj bi bil policaj, ki naj bi poizkušal preprečiti eno vandalistično dejanje zaradi česar se je spravilo nanj več ljudi in zamahovali z noži in drugimi predmeti...
Ne za Trumpa..Profesionalce za delanje sranja? Torej ANTIFO?
Podpiram, Keep America greatNe za Trumpa..
... še napise...Ne za Trumpa..
Pa nazadnje kakor jaz vem še napise fašizem in ne fošizem
Ta je drugače njihova. Ker ni bila dovolj radikalna so se obrnili proti njej. Sreča v nesreči tega dogajanja na splošno od 2016 naprej je, da se bo (skrajna) levica sama pojedla.ANTIFA teroristi v akciji proti stari ženički. Verjetno je izzivala in dobila, kar si je zaslužila ta vešča stara nacistična kajne bitch...
Antifa terrorists harassing an old women in Portland. - Latest News
109 points • 56
Proud boysThe Right is Starting to Fight Back: Proud Boys Clash With Antifa/BLM in Michigan
There have already been multiple clashes between the right and left in cities across the nation on Saturday, and now the Proud Boys are facing off against Antifa and Black Lives Matter in Michigan.
Twitter branded the Proud Boys “white nationalists” in their Twitter moment about the conflict, despite the fact that the Proud Boys consist of men of all backgrounds.
The Right is Starting to Fight Back: Proud Boys Clash With Antifa/BLM in Michigan (VIDEO)
There have already been multiple clashes between the right and left in cities across the nation on Saturday, and now the Proud Boys are facing off against Antifa and Black Lives Matter in Michigan. Things were beginning to get pretty violent by late afternoon, as the opposing groups clashed
ANTIFA gnide bi bilo treba ornk za uhle, drgač pa.. prav tako njihove podpornike
gnide so drugega ne morem reči