Giorgi has died after hitting a tree when he lost control of his car, his friends who sitting is his car is fine.
Objavljeno je bilo 19. avg. 2014
22.6.2013 3:00 AM, Batumi, Georgia. At time of accident did NOT drive Giorgi.
Krentetic pred 7 meseci
So many rude ass fuckin people. 1. He was driving... not him... 2. He has never hurt anyone. He has never scratched his car. So why is it good that he died? He never killed anyone. Never hurt anyone. So why are yall saying "he deserved it" no. Not at all. He didnt.
Gone but never forgotten ♡
"Giorgi Tevzadze just died in a car crash. He was in the passenger seat at the time of the accident, and his friend was driving the car. Sadly, Giorgi Tevzadze died when the car lost control, hit a tree with the right side."
Uporabnik Mikrohard pravi:
Načeloma nima veze, kdo je vozil takrat. Verjamem, da je njegov kolega imel podoben stil vožnje kot on. Izgubiti nadzor nad vozilom in se zaleteti v drevo se ob normalni vožnji tako rekoč ni možno (razen ob ekstremnih vremenskih razmerah). Tudi če bi to nesrečo preživel, obstaja statistično velika možnost, da bi se enkrat sam na tak način ubil (in mogoče še koga zraven, tako kot je storil njegov kolega). Lahko si še tako dober šofer pa boš prej ali slej povzročil nesrečo... izživljanje spada na dirkališče, ne pa na javne ceste.