Uporabnik uuu pravi:
Dokler Wall Street cveti je vse "po načrtih"
Malo mu bo pomagal še FED, ki bo naslednji teden dvignil obrestno mero in bo vse še bolj po načrtih.
"Muslim ban" je v tem kontekstu nepomemben in nima nobene teže, razen za nekatere "jokice", ki so se premislile in se niso izselile v Kanado ...
Mimogrede tudi Obama je prepovedal vstop tujim islamskim državljanom, vendar se okoli tega ni delalo cirkusa, večina niti vedela ni za to.
Ni bistvu nic ne cveti... On je oblast prisel zaradi "rust belta" in ne zaradi Wall Streeta. In pokopal ga bo "rust belt". "Muslim ban" je vazen ,ker kaze njegovo nesposobnost in odnos njegovega kabineta do njega.
Mimogrede, Obama ni prepovedal nicesar.
Njegova administracije upocasnila (za 6 mesecev) vize za drzavljane Iraka (pa se to ne vse!) zaradi dveh posameznikov (iz Iraka). Ni bilo prepovedi, sploh pa ne taksne. Ni treba siriti konkretno dokumentiranih lazi.
Recimo tukaj:
1. Much narrower focus:
The [2011 Iraqi “ban”] applied to citizens of a single country (Iraq) and then only to refugees and applicants for Special Immigrant Visas (SIVs), created by Congress to help Iraqis (and later Afghans) who supported the United States in those conflicts. The Trump executive order, on the other hand, applies to seven countries with total population more than 130 million, and to virtually every category of immigrant other than diplomats, including tourists and business travelers.
2. Not a ban:
Contrary to Trump’s Sunday statement and the repeated claims of his defenders, the Obama administration did not “ban visas for refugees from Iraq for six months.” For one thing, refugees don’t travel on visas. More importantly, while the flow of Iraqi refugees slowed significantly during the Obama administration’s review, refugees continued to be admitted to the United States during that time … there was no outright ban.
3. Grounded in specific threat:
The Obama administration’s 2011 review came in response to specific threat information, including the arrest in Kentucky of two Iraqi refugees … the Trump administration has provided no evidence, nor even asserted, that any specific information or intelligence has led to its draconian order.
4. Orderly, organized process:
The Obama administration’s review was conducted over roughly a dozen deputies and principals committee meetings, involving Cabinet and deputy Cabinet-level officials from all of the relevant departments and agencies — including the State, Homeland Security and Justice Departments — and the intelligence community. The Trump executive order was reportedly drafted by White House political officials and then presented to the implementing agencies a fait accompli[.]
5. Far stronger vetting today:
Much has been made of Trump’s call for “extreme vetting” for citizens of certain countries. The entire purpose of the Obama administration’s 2011 review was to enhance the already stringent vetting to which refugees and SIV applicants were subjected. While many of the details are classified, those rigorous procedures, which lead to waiting times of 18-24 months for many Iraqi and Syrian refugees, remain in place today and are continually reviewed by interagency officials[.]