In other words, Nissan may not have the very best EV out there (we’d really like to see that ~200 mile, affordable CUV already), but Nissan knows how to build EVs right…there was no showing off the vehicle and then teasing it for the next 2 years, no limited production at launch and a gradual roll-out over a year, no production “bottlenecks” because it had not put in the work yet, no building capacity for only a token amount.
…but rather Nissan announced the vehicle to the world only once volume production was already coming off the line (in this case from Nissan’s Oppama, Japan assembly facility), and took just 26 days from the model’s global debut (September 5th) to hit the first customer’s driveway.
Kar je isto. Torej če bi Tesla prodajal avto s tako opremo in s tako ceno v normalni prodaji bi bilo ok. Potem bi kupil Teslo 3 lite model z subvencijo. Tukaj pa temu ni bilo tako in so avto prodali kot Tesla 3, kupci pa dobili Tesla 3 lite! To je enako kot bi Golf GT turbo prodal brez turbine.Citat:
Uporabnik Gasper008 pravi:
Ceno in opremo izdelka poljubno postavi proizvajalec, tako lahko mirno podražiš enak izdelek, ki je še včeraj imel nižjo ceno ali ga oskubiš in daš za nižjo ceno.
Ta plan je bil čisto ok in povsem legitimen, kolikor berem obtožbe letijo na to, da Tesla te oskubljene verzije ni ponujala kot realno možnost nakupa. Tesla to seveda zanika in bo treba počakat na konec te sodbe.