A si hotel rečt, da je tole primer snobizma:
"A well done steak is not a matter of choice. It's not a sweet affectation. It's a violation. Why would anyone want to take a good piece of meat and cook it until it has the texture of shoe leather, but none of the utility? Why would they want to put something in their mouth that tastes of nothing and gives your jaw cramps? Why would they want to rob it of the very thing that makes it itself? Far too many people who describe themselves as carnivores prefer not to think about where their food has come from. The relationship between the one-time sentience of their meal and being sated by it disturbs them. And so they strive to disguise exactly what they are doing. Those of us who eat meat should face up to what it once was: a living creature that bled if it was pricked and can bleed still. We should eat it because we like the flavour, and a significant amount of that lies in its juices."
Potem se strinjam. Jaz res ne vidim smisla v izpostavljanju surovojedstva. Če komu paše jest krvavo, super. Če taki mislijo, da so vsi pečeni zrezki (recimo) kot podplat, potem ne vejo kaj je to kuhinja. In če mislijo, da je njihov steak vržen na žar natur, brez vseh dodatkov, živijo v nekem drugem vesolju! Seveda pa so izjeme, kot povsod. Imaš tudi presnojedce, ki lonca ne povohajo več in enako ravnajo z vsemi, še jejo (jemo) kuhano. Kdo ima prav?