2 Russian oligarchs were found dead one day apart alongside their wives and children
- Vladislav Avayev, the former vice president of Gazprombank, was found dead of a gunshot wound in his Moscow apartment on Monday
- Investigators wrote in their statement that they are prioritizing a theory that Avayev shot his wife and daughter, and then himself.
- More than 2,000 miles away, in Spain, another oligarch — Sergei Protosenya — was found hanged, with his wife and daughter stabbed to death.
- He was found with a bloodstained knife and an ax at his side.
- Protosenya was the former vice president and chief accountant of Novatek, a major gas company with close connections to Gazprombank.
- A working theory for investigators is also that Protosenya killed his family before hanging himself.
- Protosenya left no suicide note, and there were no bloodstains on his body.
- Neither of the men were on an international sanctions list in the Ukraine-Russia conflict.
2 Russian oligarchs were found dead one day apart alongside their wives and children, reports say
Vladislav Avayev and Sergey Protosenya were found dead in their respective homes in Spain and Moscow.