Putinova Rusija


6. sep 2007
Uporabnik Pac_Man pravi:
Samo spihali so prah s sovjetskega priročnika "Kako se odzvati na kritiko?". NATO zarota + kajpatizem.

A to je un sovjetski PR priročnik, ki je bil kmalu po izdaji originala preveden v angleščino ter bil bestseller po USA agencijah? Posledica je bila pa večmiljonska masa anti-sovjetsko opranih glav po USA ter še marsikje drugje, primerki se najdejo še danes in to celo tudi na Alterju


10. maj 2014

On October 6th – the birthday of Vladimir Putin, Moscow and London will host an international exhibition named “Putin Universe”, in which artists from all over the world will present the Russian president in the form of characters from different countries, nationalities and ages. Putin will appear as Buddha, Amenhotep, Nelson Mandela, Mahatma Gandhi, Joan of Arc – as the image of the Russian president embodies heroism, justice, cunning, intelligence, courage, charm – qualities that are easily recognized and appreciated in many countries and cultures. The initiator and organizer of the exhibition is the largest international fan club of the president of Russia – “The Group of Supporters of Vladimir Putin.”

Last year, the largest international fan group of Vladimir Putin on Facebook held an exhibition n Moscow entitled “12 Deeds of Putin”, where the achievements of the Russian president played upon images of ancient myths. The exhibition was a huge success in Russia and abroad.”

Druže Vlado, mi ti se kuneeeeemo

Bi dal kako severnokorejsko, pa jih ne znam.


Osebje foruma
18. sep 2007
Uporabnik Pac_Man pravi:
Bi dal kako severnokorejsko, pa jih ne znam.

P.S.: Si opazil, da imava novi tituli?
Nazadnje urejeno:


24. jul 2009
marsikje. okolica Latakije recimo ali pa v al-Ansariyah hribovju.
gozdov bi naj bilo nekje med cca 200 000 in 400 000 hektarjev ( se ne ve točno )


Osebje foruma
18. sep 2007
Turning point? EU Commission head says relations with Russian ‘must be improved,’ US ‘can’t dictate’

Europe must treat Russia with more decency, improve the relationship, and not let EU policies be dictated by Washington, European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker said in a surprise speech in Germany.

It is now critical for the EU to work on its relations with Russia, Juncker said in the southern German town of Passau: “We must make efforts towards a practical relationship with Russia. It is not sexy but that must be the case, we can’t go on like this.”

Moreover, the US needs to keep its influence out of EU relations with other countries, Juncker added.

“Russia must be treated decently … We can’t let our relationship with Russia be dictated by Washington.”

EU-Russia relations have deteriorated since the EU imposed sanctions on Russia for its alleged role in the Ukrainian conflict. The Russian government has unswervingly denied these allegations.

Izbrisan uporabnik #488

Uporabnik ceedevita pravi:
marsikje. okolica Latakije recimo ali pa v al-Ansariyah hribovju.
gozdov bi naj bilo nekje med cca 200 000 in 400 000 hektarjev ( se ne ve točno )

Motorola je specialist za letališča

Morte pa vedet, da videoposnetki bodo prihajali z zamikom in podobno, ravno zaradi Pacmanov&co, ki lahko locirajo zadeve in razkrijejo položaje.


YUGOslovanski mehanik Dmitri Mendeleev
23. jul 2008
Lahko kdo pokomentira...ker sam dvomim v tak hud napredek...sploh GDP pa peMzije
sprasujem se.gif



  • 2310736-putin.jpg
    25,6 KB · Ogledi: 212


10. maj 2014
"Zlato" je izi:


L. 2013 so imeli dobrih 500 mrd celotnih rezerv, od tega cca. 45 mrd v zlatu

L. 1999 okrog 12 mrd rezerv, od tega 4 mrd v zlatu. Na pol res.

Moraš vedet, da je šla Rusija l. 1998 ravno skozi bankrot.

GDP s PPP je šel gor nekje 2,5-krat, tako da verjetno nakladajo. Možno z nominalnimi vrednostim, po bankrotu je bil rubelj verjetno vreden manj kot toaletni papir, l. 2013 ga je gor držala več kot desetletje trajajoča visoka cena nafte.


Nazadnje urejeno:

Izbrisan uporabnik #488

rahli offtopic, da malo razveselil našega Rusofila

Ena iz Minska

Potem ena domača iz trga

In ko ti snajper v Rusiji proti Ukrajini zadene vetrobran in se razleti
(v Ukrajini dobiš novo šipo po meri z delom za 30 eur)



10. maj 2014

In 1955 a young Soviet physicist named Vladimir Fridkin created something amazing: a boxlike machine, more than 3 feet high and 2 feet across, with two cylinders on the top and the high-current generator attached, that produced a very first copy of a photograph in the Soviet Union. Fridkin proudly named the device the Electrophotography Copying Machine No. 1. The authorities seemed happy—Fridkin was featured in a television show praising the Soviet achievements in science and received a small bonus for his accomplishment.

Fridkin became very popular in his research institute as his colleagues kept coming to his room every day to copy articles from foreign journals. Two years passed, and then he got a visitor of different kind. A female KGB officer went to his office to remove the machine. The first copying device in the Soviet Union was smashed to pieces, and the parts were taken to a dump. The reason? “People who come over to you can copy some prohibited materials,” Fridkin was told. Photocopiers produced in the West eventually made it to the Soviet Union, but they were kept under lock and key, available only in the offices of the Communist Party.

More than 20 years later, the Soviet Union was preparing to host the Olympic Games in Moscow, in the summer of 1980. To host it properly meant to have international phone lines, lots of them. So in 1979 the number of international lines in the country was significantly increased. An international telephone exchange station, known as M9, was launched in the southwest of Moscow. The Soviet engineers were proud to make the breakthrough: The new channels provided automatic connection, without an operator, which was unheard of in the Soviet Union. But this didn’t last for long. Just a few months after the Olympics, the KGB requested that the automatic international connection be destroyed. The engineers argued that all lines could be held under surveillance and intercepted, if the KGB wanted, and asked not to cut off the connection. But the KGB persisted. The automatic connection was cut off in the Soviet Union for all but a few chosen organizations, approved by the authorities.

The Soviet approach to control the population relied heavily on control over information by all means, from spying on what people say and read to limiting people’s communications. Access to modern communications mean horizontal ties, people talking to people, exchanging news and ideas. But the Soviet state was based on the idea of hierarchy, or a vertical, in which everything had to be authorized.


The August 1991 coup failed, and for the next 20 years the Internet in Russia developed free and uncensored. The security services tried to put it under some sort of control by forcing all Internet service providers to install black boxes on the networks. These black boxes, known as SORM, from the system of operative-research measures, provide backdoor access to all Russian communications, including the Internet for the Russian secret services. But the idea of the network was not affected. Everybody could participate without an authorization.

After Moscow protests in 2011-12, Vladimir Putin made it personal. In 2014 he said that the Internet was a CIA project and made sure to introduce repressive legislation to intimidate the biggest Internet companies in the country.


In the spring of 2014, the company Vkontakte, the most popular social network in Russia, modeled after Facebook, was placed under control of the Kremlin, imitating the approach Putin had used against traditional media in the early 2000s. The founder of the network, Pavel Durov, was forced out of the country. Soon he was replaced as CEO by Boris Dobrodeyev. The choice was noteworthy—Dobrodeyev’s father, Oleg, is a head of the television state empire, the All-Russia State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company. And now his son headed the most popular social network in the country.


13. avg 2007
Uporabnik Pac_Man pravi:
"Zlato" je izi:


L. 2013 so imeli dobrih 500 mrd celotnih rezerv, od tega cca. 45 mrd v zlatu

L. 1999 okrog 12 mrd rezerv, od tega 4 mrd v zlatu. Na pol res.

Moraš vedet, da je šla Rusija l. 1998 ravno skozi bankrot.

GDP s PPP je šel gor nekje 2,5-krat, tako da verjetno nakladajo. Možno z nominalnimi vrednostim, po bankrotu je bil rubelj verjetno vreden manj kot toaletni papir, l. 2013 ga je gor držala več kot desetletje trajajoča visoka cena nafte.



Pa ves zakaj kupujejo zlato ko zmesani? In zakaj kitajci pocnejo isto? Da sesujejo petrodolar in s tem usa ekonomijo.