Putinova Rusija


10. maj 2014
Melofejev, ruski oligarh, ki je odgovoren za precej sranja na Krimu in v Donbasu - Strelkov in Borodaj ('memba him?) sta na njegovi plačilni listi - je štartal s svojo televizijo - Tsargrad TV.

Po njegovih besedah gre za ekvivalent Fox news, ampak, glede na videno, gredo par maratonov dlje. Jezusova freska v studiju in takle material:


It is as part of this next act that Malofeev has launched Tsargrad TV, his own Russian Orthodox TV channel, which aims to put a conservative yet modern spin on global news. In June, Tsargrad began broadcasting daily on Spas, a religious channel run by the Russian Orthodox Church, in addition to an online platform. According to Malofeev, Tsargrad’s closest international equivalent is Fox News in the US, making him something of a Russian Roger Ailes.


The nod to Fox is not accidental. To get Tsargrad TV up and running, Malofeev hired Jack Hanick, one of Fox News’s founding producers, whom he met when they were both speakers at a Moscow conference on morality in the media. “They put us all in the room and I thought, another speaker, great,” Hanick says. “He seemed like a very humble guy. I had no idea he had a lot of power or political pull. I’m still not sure what he has.”


Connecting Malofeev to leading Russian and western conservatives is like playing a far-right, Orthodox version of Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon. In Kremlin circles, the tycoon mingles with Shchegolev and Vladimir Yakunin, the former chief of Russia’s state railways company. In the west, he has been linked with France’s Marine Le Pen and is acquainted with US presidential candidate Rand Paul. Panos Kammenos, the former Greek defence minister, has been a guest at his country estate.

Malofeev gained further notoriety during the Ukraine conflict in 2014, after he emerged as one of the key figures linking pro-Russia forces in east Ukraine with the Moscow political establishment. One of his former employees, Alexander Borodai, was at one point the self-declared Donetsk People’s Republic prime minister; another, Igor Girkin, briefly served as the pro-Russian rebels’ chief military commander. The connections landed Malofeev under EU and US sanctions last year. Ukraine’s interior ministry has accused him of financing “illegal armed groups” and branded him a “sponsor of terrorists”.


Tsargard’s primary goal, Malofeev insists, is a proselytising one. “There are a lot of people who wear crosses, identify as Christians but at the same time don’t go to church, or go to church just once a year for Easter. Our job is to reach out to these people and pave the way to the cathedral for them.”

At the same time, the channel has adopted a clear anti-western geopolitical stance on the news that can make Russian state TV look tame by comparison. In a segment about migrants this summer, one of the channel’s correspondents suggested that Europe’s refugee crisis had been the deliberate work of either George Soros or the Rothschild family. “The Rothschilds are called the masters of money,” the anchor told the audience calmly. “Their resource is money and their goal is world domination.”

In another segment, the topic of Russian interest rates was used as a launch pad for discussing the questionable morals of US monetary policy. A news item about Planned Parenthood turned into a cautionary exposé on “American Satanists” who “openly supported the killing of children”.

The mastermind behind Tsargrad’s editorial ideology is Alexander Dugin, a rightwing ideologue who, since 1997, has called for Russia to rebuild a Eurasian empire, “constructed on the fundamental principle of the common enemy” — primarily the US and its exported ideal of liberalism.


“Liberalism has been strongly discredited by the west’s politics,” Dugin says. Tsargrad, he claims, reflects the opinion of this silent majority. “Our goal is to take patriotic discourse out of the ghetto it was kept in during Soviet and liberal times . . . When people aren’t often given a chance to speak, they forget how to talk so they grunt or make faces. It’s very important to give these people a language.”

One of the main demographics to identify with this swing towards conservatism is younger Russians, Dugin says. One of them is Andrei Afanasiev, a 26-year-old Tsargrad news anchor. Though he used to work for the English-language channel Russia Today, speaks fluent English and has travelled widely, Afanasiev says his experience of studying abroad in Spain left him disillusioned about the west. “The lifestyle and values of the young people I saw there weren’t close to mine. It was sick hedonism: consumerism, entertainment. Everything was very vulgar.”


Hanick was raised Catholic but says he and his wife now hope to baptise their son in the Russian Orthodox Church, so inspired have they been with their experience at the channel.


At Tsargrad, there are signs that the channel’s ideology is attracting a broader group of supporters. Yuri Grymov, a leading Russian producer, recently signed on as director after working at Dozhd, Russia’s sole opposition TV channel — and other Dozhd employees are following suit. “I was a producer on Dozhd for a year-and-a-half, but we parted ways because we realised we were different,” Grymov said. “I’m friends with people of different confessions, I work with people of different confessions. It’s just that recent experience has shown me that people who go to church are different than atheists in a way that’s for the better.”


6. sep 2007
Uporabnik Pac_Man pravi:
Melofejev, ruski oligarh, ki je odgovoren za precej sranja na Krimu in v Donbasu - Strelkov in Borodaj ('memba him?) sta na njegovi plačilni listi - je štartal s svojo televizijo - Tsargrad TV.

Po njegovih besedah gre za ekvivalent Fox news, ampak, glede na videno, gredo par maratonov dlje. Jezusova freska v studiju in takle material:

No, če gre po njegovih besedah za ekvivalent Fox-a potem je zadeva popolnoma legit


10. maj 2014
Iz nekih komentarjev, ne da se mi preverjat. Delež žensk med zaposlenimi niti ni presenetljiv, saj moški umirajo mladi, malo dvomim v podatek o uvozu večine hrane. ostalo je nekje pričakovano.

On the Program for International Student Assesment (PISA), which compares how students compete internationally, Russia ranked a shockingly low 40 on the list. The US ranked 15th. China ranked #1.

The average IQ of a Russian is 96, comparably the average IQ of German is 107, nearly 11 points higher. The caucasian average is 100. (source: IQ and the Wealth of Nations. Lynn/Vanhanen)

Russians have one of the shortage life spans in the industrialized world, and alcoholism runs rampant. (source: World Health Organization)

Russia ranks 37th in average monthly wage at $ 800.0 a month, Luxembourgh on the other hand ranks 1st with an average monthly wage of $ 4,500. (source: Business Europe)

Women make up 60% of the Russian workforce, because Russian men are lazy drunks and seek to leach off the women (and the government). (source: The World Bank)

Russia had 30,000 patents granted in 2012. The USA and Japan on the other hand had over 450,000 patents granted in 2012.

Russian industrial products are of very poor quality. Would one buy a car made with Russian technology? (i thought not)

Russia is a very corrupt country and would be just as poor as its eastern European neighbors if it weren’t for oil and other natural resources.

Despite being the largest country in the world, extends 11 time zones, Russia still has to import the majority of it's food.


10. maj 2014
Refjuđis velkom, versko policijo že imamo


Representatives of public religious organizations of Krasnodar on Saturday night to hold a series of raids on celebrating Halloween clubs and entertainment of the city, the head of the inter-regional "Orthodox Union" Roman Pluta.
He also noted that similar actions are planned in Rostov-on-Don and Sochi.
"This ban is actively imposed Carnival nightmares wishing to participate in it today, I think it is impossible. But to hold it correctly, without offending traditional faiths, without zubodrobitelnyh zombie nightmare on the streets of our cities - I'm possible", - said Pluta .
Recently the Orthodox youth in Moscow announced its intention to organize the collection of signatures in support of a legislative initiative to restrict public Halloween celebrations, as well as a total ban on the use of attributes of the holiday in kindergartens and schools. "The holiday is purely pagan roots and artificially tied Halloween," - the Orthodox activists.


10. maj 2014
Recimo, da paše sem.



A year after the bear market in crude began, oil companies have cut workers, are using fewer rigs and have less money to spend.

But they’re still pumping more oil.


It’s helped keep total U.S. output about 1.6 percent higher than at this time last year, even as drilling rigs have fallen by 63 percent.


“A well that broke even at $60 18 months ago is now at $40,” said Harold York, a senior analyst for Wood Mackenzie Ltd. in Houston. “If drilling a well generates a return greater than the cost of capital, companies are going to do it. That’s the rationale behind producing in a low-price environment.”

High production all year has pushed U.S. inventories to the highest October level since 1930, helping keep prices deflated. West Texas Intermediate futures settled at $46.06 a barrel Thursday, down from a 2014 closing high of $107.26.


Some companies have maintained production because they used financial hedges, so are still getting paid pre-crash prices for their crude.

“We still have clients enjoying $80 oil,” said Richard Ennis, head of natural resources at ING Capital LLC. “Those days are going to end but they are still enjoying that kind of pricing.”


10. maj 2014
Mediji ne najdejo dovolj (fotogeničnih) selfijev umrlih, zato si jih sposojajo tudi od ljudi, ki so se z drugimi leti vrnili živi in zdravi.

Verjetno je nekdo z.ajebal, nato pa so si izposojali naprej, ampak vseeno ni ravno lepo, če te cel kup TV postaj razglaša za mrtvega.


My God, what kind of people .... I am shocked !!! With us everything is fine !!! We are alive and well, thank God !!!







10. maj 2014
Še ena ruska kraja teritorija po metodi 1000 rezov. Po Gruziji malo na random postavljajo ograje.

EU opazovalci se vozijo okrog z novimi Land Cruserji J70 (model 1984, še vedno jih delajo za Avstralijo in tretji svet), NATO ima menda himno.

Tale "hymn" bo verjetno druga zgodba, kot molitev:


May God who rules o'er earth and sky

Cleanse our fair world from fear.

Let freedom's banner rise on high

And violence disappear.

Build up the power of right;

Bid all the free unite.

Let NATO grow in might

And put its foes to flight . . .

Vseeno, nesramno blizu Zdravljice.


10. maj 2014
Danes tole. Precej možno je, da bodo vsaj ruski atleti dobili prepoved nastopov v Riu.


Told #WADA probe report is 350 pages, with 50-page summary. That's a hefty chunk of reading. Release is just over 4 hours away #doping

BREAKING: WADA doping commission says IAAF should suspend Russia from competition.

As big as it gets. WADA commission recommends Russia banned from competition, state sponsored intimidation + infiltration of doping labs

Dick Pound praises ARD investigation and the two Russian whistleblowers who made report possible. Pound encourages more whisteblowers. #WADA

"Interference with doping controls up to middle of this year...Cover ups, destruction of samples, payment of money to conceal doping tests."

WADA report: "presence of..FSB..within the laboratory setting in Sochi..actively imposed an atmosphere of intimidation on laboratory..staff"

#WADA: London #Olympics more or less sabotaged by allowing #Russia athletes to compete when should have been suspended for doping violations

#WADA page 201: athlete paid percentage of winnings to ARAF reps to ensure doping was concealed. Was nothing short of a 'protection racket'.

#WADA page 203: Russian Lab Director Rodchenkov destroyed 1400 samples 3 days before inspection, then told WADA he'd '(done) some clean-up'.

#WADA page 215: there is a 'shadow lab' controlled by the 'Moscow Govmt' which pre-tested samples and concealed/destroyed positive tests.


10. maj 2014
Pred dnevi je v washingtonskem hotelu umrl Mikhail Lesin, med drugim ustanovitelj Russia Today. Pokopan je v Los Angelesu, kjer je živel skupaj z družino.



Mikhail Yuriyevich Lesin (Russian: Михаил Юрьевич Лесин; July 11, 1958 – November 5, 2015) was a Russian political figure, media executive and an adviser to president Vladimir Putin. In 2006 he was awarded the Order "For Merit to the Fatherland", one of Russia's highest state decoration for civilians. Mikhail Lesin was nicknamed the Bulldozer (Russian: Бульдозер) because of his ability to get virtually all Russian media outlets under The Kremlin's control.


U.S. Senator Roger Wicker (Republican-Mississippi) has asked the Justice Department to investigate whether Mikhail Lesin, Russian President Vladimir Putin’s former press minister, violated the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act or laundered money by acquiring multimillion-dollar homes in the Los Angeles area.
These include a 13,000-square-foot (1210 m2) Beverly Hills home purchased in August 2011 for $13.8 million by Dastel Coroporation, where Lesin’s son, Anton Lessine, served as a corporate officer, according to public records.
The property is located in Beverly Park, a swanky gated community with round-the-clock security and whose residents have included actor Samuel L. Jackson and professional basketball legend Magic Johnson, according to “The Los Angeles Times.”

Dastel also purchased 10,600-square-foot (985 m2) Brentwood home for $9 million in 2012.

A third home, totaling more than 6,800 square feet (632 m2), was purchased in Beverly Hills for $5.6 million by HFC Management, a firm that lists Lesin’s daughter, Ekaterina Lesina, as a company officer.

A LinkedIn profile lists someone named Ekaterina Lesina in the Los Angeles area as a producer RT, though the authenticity of the profile could not be confirmed.


Osebje foruma
18. sep 2007
Začela se je destabilizacija Krima: Almost 1.7mn Crimeans on emergency electricity supplies, no power coming from Ukraine (PHOTOS)

Russia’s Crimean peninsula was forced to switch to autonomous reserve power after transmission towers in the adjacent Ukrainian Kherson region were blown up, causing a blackout. Four main transmission lines were cut off in an apparent act of sabotage late on Saturday. Photos of severed towers with a Crimean-Tatar flag hanging on one of them have been posted online.