Putinova Rusija


10. maj 2014
Danes so bile tudi zaključne besede v sojenju ukrajinskemu režiserju za terorizem na Krimu. V priporu je bil dokumentirano pretepen, ampak pravijo da je model sado-mazo in so poškodbe od prej.

dopisnik Guardiana:


Rus courtroom humour: Ukr journo: "I've been using the court wifi" Rus journo: "Whatever you've written will go straight into your sentence"

Court about to restart after lunch. Savchenko sister shouts "Glory to Ukraine" from outside, Sentsov/Kolchenko shout back "Glory to heroes"

Lawyer Sidorkina: "This case could go down as one of the most shameful pages in Russian judicial history." The 3 judges expressionless

TT @SvetovaZoia the Sentsov/Kolchenko case is a real "Stalinist" trial of the late Putin era. It was worth coming to Rostov to realise this.

We are about to have the "last word" from Sentsov & Kolchenko. Hardly any journos/diplos here but still far too many to squeeze in. Sardines

Powerful speech from Sentsov. Speaking about cowardice as the worst sin, torture, looking judges in eyes; telling them their court invalid.

Verdict in Sentsov case will be on 25 August. A very powerful final word to the court from the Crimean film director.

Tožilstvo želi 23 let, očitajo mu par požigov v nočnih urah.


Sentsov was arrested on 11 May 2014 in Crimea on suspicion of "plotting terrorist acts". He became one of four Ukrainian (Sentsov, Gennady Afanasyev, Alexei Chirnigo, Alexander Kolchenko) citizens being held by Russia's Federal Security Service who accused them of seeking to carry out terrorist attacks on bridges, power lines, and public monuments in (the Crimean cities) Simferopol, Yalta, and Sevastopol. These charges are punishable to 20 years in prison. After holding Sentsov without charges for three weeks a statement by Russia's Federal Security Service accused the four Ukrainians were "part of a terrorist community, to carry out explosions with home-made devices on May 9, 2014 near the Eternal Flame memorial and Lenin monument in Simferopol and to set on fire to the offices of the Russian Community of Crimea public organization and the United Russia party branch in Simferopol on April 14 and April 18, 2014". Sentsov, Afanasyev, Chirnigo and Kolchenko have also been accused of membership in Ukraine's nationalist paramilitary group, Right Sector, a claim that both Sentsov and Right Sector deny.

Nobenih žrtev, tudi če je kriv.


2. mar 2010
Uporabnik patriot pravi:
In to nima nobene veze s tem, kar so Švabi počeli par let prej v SSSR, kajne?

In tvoji linki so navaden populizem, številko 2MIO so že zdavnaj ovrgli, saj je nastala na osnovi statistike ene bolnice (Kaiserin Auguste Victoria Haus )

Pa Ruse še nekako ne razumem da so vrnili Švabom; zakaj so posiljevali anglosaksonci pač ne.

@Gargy: hvala za informacije iz prve roke, ampak na priljubljenosti pa nisi pridobil s tem.
Tudi če je številka "samo" 1 milijon, je to še vedno grozljiva številka.
Potem najboljše da kar vse pobijejo in naselijo Uzbeke/Mongolce.


10. nov 2014
Uporabnik Gargy pravi:
Resnično, meni se več ne sanja, kaj bi ti rad povedal oz. dosegel... Če je blo pri prvih postih še nekoliko megleno jasno, da bi rad na vsak način ljudi prepričal, da so Rusi napadli Uktajino, pa v zadnjem času izpadeš vedno večji [cenzura] in patetik...
Pač spada med "полезные дураки", ker ne verjamem, da je za svoje agitprop prispevke kaj veliko plačan.... Če pa... potem pa.....


22. jul 2007
Številka je man kot 1MIO, ampak nimam volje, da bi ti podajal linke do raziskav, ker ne boš dojel smisla.


10. maj 2014
Hvala za popravek pri sliki.

In potem se je zgodilo to


Piksnojedec iz Miami Vice je menda kozaški kulturni minister.


10. maj 2014
Ruskih kozakov, ukrajinskih ne mislim mešat v ta cirkus


10. maj 2014
Leto je naokoli in krimski bajkerji so spet imeli svoj šov.

Tokrat so nad prizorišče nabili velikanski križ in insinuirali, da se je rdeča armija borila za krščansko stvar. Tam od 23. minute.

Čeprav je pravoslavna cerkev veselo kolaborirala.


Okrog 27. minute je en štikel o "banderah natovskih".


10. maj 2014

More than 70 years after Gennady Vinogradov was born in the small village of Sheshurino, northwest of Moscow, he just asks for one thing: to be able to die there in dignity.

But news that the authorities will be closing the village's clinic -- the only one for miles around -- has driven him and his neighbours to breaking point.

"If they close this clinic, it will be a catastrophe. We pay our (compulsory) insurance fees and have a right to healthcare," the 76-year-old said, surrounded by two dozen of his neighbours.

It seems as if the government "wants to kill us," he said.

While the consequences of Russia's economic downturn are less visible in the capital, remote rural communities like Sheshurino have been left to fend for themselves as the remnants of state support disappear.


Lebedeva was recently told "there is no more money" to keep her and her staff of 15, including nurses and care assistants, working in the village.

She expects the facility to close by the end of this year. That means a loss of income for 15 families depending on salaries ranging from under $100 to $200 a month.

Sheshurino, which lies 400 kilometres (250 miles) northwest of Moscow, is quintessential Russia with its scattering of log houses along the edge of a picturesque lake looking much like it did in the tsarist era.


Russia has 83,000 villages with less than 100 residents, making it difficult to retain doctors there, Health Minister Veronika Skvortsova said in June.

Instead, people could use Skype to consult health professionals, she said.

Such a suggestion brings nothing but anger in Sheshurino, where promises to install a fibre-optic cable seem far-fetched.

"We don't have cellphone coverage here and landline phones only work every couple of days -- if the weather is good," Vinogradov fumed.

The nearest hospital is at least two hours away by car, and when a local resident suffered a stroke recently, the ambulance took five hours to come.

The only bus runs twice a week, while a taxi to the hospital costs more than $50.

The clinic used to have a horse and cart for transport, but the horse was sold for meat last year on orders of regional authorities, who claimed it was too expensive.

Oh, Rusija.


Got word from locals that the rural village clinic I wrote about last month will close on September 30. http://news.yahoo.com/russian-village-fears-future-health-cuts-hit-poorest-044821887.html …


10. maj 2014
Šešurino sploh ni neka sibirska vukojebina, ampak je krepko v Evropi.

370 km do Moskve
340 km do Sankt Peterburga
220 km do Latvije
130 km do Belorusije

Vse direktno, po cesti seveda več.


10. maj 2014
Follow the money. Ruski kmetijski minister, glavni zagovornik uničevanja, je bivši guverner regije z močno kmetijsko-predelovalno industrijo in ima finančni interes za visoke cene živil.


If corruption is helping Russians undermine the sanctions, corruption is also behind the push for the destruction of banned food. The person to propose the bonfire of the delicacies was Russia’s agricultural minister, Alexander Tkachev. For the first 15 years of Putin’s rule, Tkachev served as the governor of the Krasnodar region, Russia’s agricultural heartland — and a notorious gangland. He became very, very wealthy in the process, setting up what amounts to a personal agricultural monopoly in the region. According to the Russian edition of Forbes, Tkachev’s wealth didn’t double or triple or even quadruple during his tenure as governor. It increased 33-fold. He is, in other words, a keen and ruthless businessman. In April of this year, Tkachev was named minister of agriculture, and by July he was proposing an even more muscular enforcement of the import ban on the European food that competes with his Krasnodar produce.

Priporočam v branje, cel prispevek je odličen. Recimo:

The passive support for Putin’s landfill reality TV spectacle also exists because everyone knows it’s a show. If you really want a frozen Hungarian goose (and can afford it), it’s not hard to get. Panfilova, the Transparency International official, said that, in situations like these, Russians adapt.
“The authorities will announce that 300 tons of produce were destroyed, but 285 will reappear somewhere else,” she says. “People haven’t really changed in their day-to-day behavior.”
But Russian purges have a funny way of accelerating themselves. Various people inside the Russian government seem to be racing each other to the bottom, trying to outdo each other in what evil Western products they propose to ban: flowers, neonatal incubators, dental drills, syringes, and even condoms.
On top of the foreign produce ban, the government has proposed limiting the number of livestock private citizens can hold. All of this creates new avenues for corruption and new flows of money as the Russian economic pie gets smaller and smaller.

Kot smo lahko videli v videih zgoraj. 3 ilegalne gosti iz male trgovine v Tatarstanu so teatralno končale na smetišču, supermarket v Sankt Peterburgu pa veselo prodaja sankcionirano hrano. Odebeljen del nas pripelje do



Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev instructed the ministries to elaborate on the possible introduction of restrictions on the number of livestock and poultry in private farms (LPH). This follows from a list of instructions, data, prime minister at the end of the conference call on the progress of the agricultural harvesting in 2015, which took place on August 3 in Sochi.

"Study the issue of amending the legislation of the Russian Federation regarding regulation of relations on ancillary services, including imposing restrictions herd livestock and poultry used in the conduct of the economy", - said in a document published on the website of the Cabinet.

Appropriate instructions given to the head of the Ministry of Agriculture Alexander Tkachev. The issue he was instructed to work together with the Ministry of Economic Development, Ministry of Finance, as well as executive authorities of Russia.

The offers departments must submit to the government by 23 September 2015, the document said.

Oh, Rusija.


18. avg 2007
In ta vasica se v čem razlikuje od ostalih 100+ po svetu, ki so pred kratkim ali pa bodo izgubile podeželski zdravstveni dom


10. maj 2014
Če nič drugega, so lansko leto dali reševalnega konja v salame. Ker je bil predrag.


18. avg 2007
In v čem se to razlikuje od 100+ ostalih vasic po svetu, kjer so skenslali/zjebali kombi/konja/rikšo/...

Če že objavljaš smetje, se vsaj potrudi, da bo zadeva vredna 0,006s branja, ker tole še za trač revije ni dobro.
Ali pa dodaj zraven še kaj o težavah, ki jih imajo z zdravstvom ruralni prebivalci v Ameriki


10. maj 2014
Zdaj so še blokirali (rusko) wikipedijo


Roskomnadzor, the Kremlin's media watchdog agency, has ordered Russian Internet providers to block a page on Wikipedia about charas (a hashish form of cannabis). Over the weekend, the website' users changed the name and the URL of the article, hoping to satisfy the technical requirements of a court order issued in Astrakhan in late June. Roskomnadzor officials said today that these steps are insufficient. The agency also says experts from the federal anti-drug police have confirmed that the content contained in the Wikipedia article is illegal.


22. dec 2009
Ne vem kaj ene tako moti če PacMan objavlja kar mu paše v zvezi z Rusijo. Če hoče kdo predstavljati vse lepe svetle strani rusije in dvoličnost zahoda, lahko pa svojo temo odpre in z enako zagretostjo objavlja novice.