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Upoštevajoč filtre kabinskega zraka, možnost preklopa na notranje kroženje in krajši čas, ki ga preživiš v avtu napram kolesu/peš? Ne zveni logično. Pa še diha se na kolesu bolj intenzivno, kor pa v avtu.
Se strinjam. Gotovo tudi v avtu podihaš del svinjskega mestnega zraka, več kot na biciklu pa gotovo ne![]()
Res je, treba je malce iskat to logiko. Uspelo mi je najti nek članek na to temo, pa ni isti, ki sem ga bral pred časom. Med drugim pravijo takole (prevajat se mi ne da, saj znate):
The new study of Canadian cyclists does not mean that people should lock up their bikes and hop back into the driver's seat, said Brauer. Another study has shown that drivers have higher respiratory problems than cyclists because of their higher exposure to volatile organic chemicals in vehicle exhaust.
"In stop-and-go traffic, [drivers] have more exposure than a cyclist who stays 15 feet or more from the tailpipes," said Rebecca Serna, executive director of the Atlanta Bicycle Coalition, a cycling advocacy group.
The health benefits of cycling far outweigh the risks from air pollution and traffic collisions relative to car driving, according to one estimate by researchers in the Netherlands, where cycling is king.
"In general, you're better off cycling than not," Brauer said. "The physical activity benefits outweigh negative impacts. But you'd like there to be no impacts."
Cel članek tule.
Osebno se s kolesom po mestu prevažam po manj glavnih ulicah kot z avtom, torej sem manj direktno priklopljen na izpuhe pred mano vozečih, vem pa da vsi te možnosti nimajo. No, vsekakor pa nihče, ki po mestu kolesari, ne prispeva k količini trdih delcev v zraku.