Opel introducing Ampera-e at Paris Show; European cousin of Chevy Bolt:
Uporabnik darjan pravi:
Andy, ti si si v bloku uredil štrom priklop v garaži ali zunaj? So kje zbrane informacije okoli tega. Mene bi potencialno zanimala opcija glede garaže; kakšna soglasja so potrebna, nova omarica, kakšen priklop se potrebuje (da bi bilo recimo dovolj da se EV nafila čez noč), kakšni kabli, etc. Ker parking filanje izven garaže odpade.
Ali je bolje, da bi se odprla nova tema, ker to bi znalo marsikomu prit prav?
Uporabnik bpfc pravi:
Opel introducing Ampera-e at Paris Show; European cousin of Chevy Bolt:
Condition: On some 2011-2015 Chevrolet Volts and 201-16 Cadillac ELR, the accelerator pedal can break at the stalk just below the housing due to the driver entering or exiting the vehicle with their foot resting on the accelerator pedal. If the pedal breaks, it would not be possible to operate the accelerator once the stalk has broken off. The vehicle would return to idle regardless of transmission gear position.
Corrective Action: Dealers are to inspect and if required, replace the accelerator pedal position sensor assembly. The repairs will be made at no charge to the customer.
Special Coverage Adjustment: This special coverage covers the condition described above for a period of 10 years or 120,000 miles (193,000 km), whichever occurs first, from the date the vehicle was originally placed in service, regardless of ownership.