Uporabnik darjan pravi:
Da gre brez problema v klanec tudi 160kmh samo na štrom? Je pa res, da verjetno potem v celem klancu spije štrom
Uporabnik Gasper008 pravi:
Sam doseg PHEV ne pove samo tega koliko bo avto prevozil na elelktriko, ampak nekaj pove tudi o tem koliko moči je na voljo v EV načinu.
Ampera/Volt: 111 kW
Golf GTE: 75 kW
BMW 330e: 65 kW
Prius Plug-in: 36 kW
Kaj to v praksi pomeni? Tudi če ti doseg Priusa Plug-in zadostuje postane problem moč, ki je na voljo v EV, to v praksi pomeni, da bo za vsako hitrejšo vožnjo potrebno ogreti bencinski motor.
Uporabnik darjan pravi:
Kaj pa nekdo, ki hodi delat recimo iz MB v CE? cca 60km razdalje, od tega 95% AC in vmes kar konkreten klanec? Pa če se ravno ne želi jajcat 100kmh ampak tudi kaj več od 130kmh, torej 150, 160...toliko da je čimprej doma
Uporabnik darjan pravi:
Kaj pa nekdo, ki hodi delat recimo iz MB v CE? cca 60km razdalje, od tega 95% AC in vmes kar konkreten klanec? Pa če se ravno ne želi jajcat 100kmh ampak tudi kaj več od 130kmh, torej 150, 160...toliko da je čimprej doma
Vehicle #1078
Vehicle #3491
Vehicle #3929
Vehicle #4313
Idaho National Laboratory's long-term battery pack testing of four 2013 Chevy Volts has reached end-of-test with the results linked in .pdf format above.
At quick glance, seems the worst performer was VIN #3491 which experienced @10% loss of Measured
Average Energy Capacity (kWh) dropping from a baseline of 16.7 kWh down to 15.0 kWh after 137,741 miles while the best performing, VIN #1078, only lost @8% (16.6 kWh baseline down to 15.2 kWh after logging 121,434 miles)
Other useful testing result info is posted over at this .gov site for the 2013 Volts showing the average Operating cost of the Gen1 Volt is @14cents per mile...
John Hughes
Chevrolet Volt Marketing & Promotions Manager
Hi Mr. Hughes,
I got your name from my Volt Dealer here in Orange County, CA.
I bought a 2013 Volt in November 2012 for my 20 year old daughter Caroline and we all loved it.
I have a Porsche 911s and a BMW 740il. The Volt was our favorite car to drive.
On August 3rd, a drunk driver hit Caroline from the right rear traveling in the same direction.
The drunk driver hit our Volt so hard it knocked the Volt off the road down a 15 foot embankment.
Caroline in the Volt rolled several times down the embankment before hitting a tree.
Caroline was taken by ambulance to a local hospital where she suffered only a black eye, arm lacerations and stitches to her left foot. Our Farmers insurance adjuster said he never saw a car that mangled without a fatality.
We are grateful to you and GM for making the Volt so safe. The fact that Caroline survived that crash was a miracle from God and the 10 Volt airbags. I am in the middle of buying another Volt right now and thought you would like to share this story with anyone else at GM or with any potential Volt buyers.
Dr. Kerry Johnson