So, sam ne če jih gledaš, jih moraš vdihavat.Niso rakotvorne?
So, sam ne če jih gledaš, jih moraš vdihavat.Niso rakotvorne?
Niso rakotvorne?
Kam jih bo pa sprala voda? Sej ne da piješ vodo ki pride po azbestnih ceveh, sam tega večina ljudi ne ve.zato pa so ovite v folijo in vkopane, da jih voda ne spira in je to to
nisem na javnem vodovodu. upam samo da ni nad zajetjem kak darjan salonitke je strah.Ne, misli na cevi, kake stare, ki so iz vsega in svasta...
Te cevi so tudi del javnih vodovodov, nima veze, ce imas ti v bajti plasticne
Da skrajšam: ja, absolutno je prav, da je zapovedana reciklaža. Kot pri baterijah.Jup, a to si tudi bil na kakšnem ogledu projekta/inicative reciklaže vetrnic?
En od izdelovalcev vetrnih turbin ima tole napisano na spletni strani. Izgleda je tudi iztrošenih vetrnih turbin premalo (tako kot baterij), pa so samo iniciative, pa testni projekti in seveda najpomembnejše podpisane pogodbe.
Tudi je fuLL eko, ko čez par let pride ven zmogljivejša vetrnica in pač staro vržeš ven in jo izvoziš pač v Afriko. FuLL sustainable.
Initially, and in keeping with the maxim of the circular economy, most of the wind turbine blades are being reused. This is part of the repowering strategy, as wind turbines are becoming increasingly more efficient and more powerful, so the old ones can be reassembled in other wind farms or in other countries. In addition, there are also initiatives that convert these blades into architectural or structural elements such as bridges or bicycle racks. However, it should be borne in mind that, according to WindEurope figures, this repowering will mean that from 2030 onwards up to 5,700 wind turbines will be dismantled in Europe per year, and given the speed at which wind energy is growing, it is necessary to opt for other alternatives as the volume of retired blades will increase rapidly.
Types of wind blade recycling
Although it is important to note that wind blades are inert, so they do not generate toxic emissions and their composition makes them absolutely safe for landfills, this is a significant waste of resources that moves away from the criteria of sustainability and circularity that prevail in the wind sector. Associations such as the European WindEurope are therefore calling for a Europe-wide landfill ban on wind turbine blades from 2025 onwards. This would mean that the wind industry would commit to 100 % recycling or recovery of out-of-service blades.
For this reason, different projects and initiatives are being developed to promote blade recycling through different technologies. There are currently three main types of recycling applicable to wind blade components:
Če zmelješ je bolnilo zgolj balas in nima nobene strukturne vrednosti.po mojem bi se dalo to zmlet kot neko polnilo ali izolacijo...
Mi smo zeleni, naši zanamci se bodo pa čohali, kako hudiča rešiti te zadeve in kaj so predniki delali.
Pod zemljo ne. Razen če si krt, jih glodaš in vdihuješ azbest.Niso rakotvorne?
Ko bo fuzija kot neskončen vir čiste energije na voljo, se bojo naši zanamci dejansko smejali bednim poskusom vetrnic in sončnih elektrarn kot vira čiste energije. Slednje bo izpadlo približno kot cepelini proti letalom kot sredstvo za hiter in varen prevoz potnikov.