Včerej je bil na primorskem tudi en neuspeli tornado.
Lokev 10km E of Treiste Exact loction near village Lokev, 3km SW of Divaca
Slovenia (45.67 N, 13.93 E)
16-06-2010 (Wednesday) 13:33 UTC (+/- 1 min.)
based on: information from photo or video of the event, an eye-witness report, a trained storm spotter
land use: land land use where event was first observed: land
vertical development: 60% of the distance cloud-ground
Observed a large funnel cloud outside (backside) of the main mesocyclone for about 15 seconds. It is possible the funnel briefly touched the ground, but I could not see it due to the barrier in between. The storm was accompanied by very intense rainfall, local flash floods were reported. Photo of the funnel:
http://www.weather-photos.net/gallery/albums/userpics/10001/ 16_06_2010mk22.jpg
report status: report confirmed (QC1)
contact: Marko Korosec [e-mail]
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