Uporabnik titov pravi:
Sam kot je videti bolj sami na svoje bombardirajo, kaj bi to potem pomenilo?
The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) also confirmed on Tuesday that the deadly explosion at the city’s administrative building was indeed an airstrike.
Uporabnik titov pravi:
Kar se tistega bombardiranje tiče na prešnji strani je menda šlo za slabo hendlanje z nekim raketlančerjem miroljubnih demonstrantov - malo pred eksplozijo se vidi izstrelek v gozdu levo od zastave.
Uporabnik AndY1 pravi:
Uporabnik titov pravi:
Sam kot je videti bolj sami na svoje bombardirajo, kaj bi to potem pomenilo?
Confirmed: Ukrainian air force fired over 150 missiles at Lugansk, bombed admin HQ
The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) also confirmed on Tuesday that the deadly explosion at the city’s administrative building was indeed an airstrike.
Uporabnik Matey pravi:
Uporabnik AndY1 pravi:
Uporabnik titov pravi:
Sam kot je videti bolj sami na svoje bombardirajo, kaj bi to potem pomenilo?
Confirmed: Ukrainian air force fired over 150 missiles at Lugansk, bombed admin HQ
The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) also confirmed on Tuesday that the deadly explosion at the city’s administrative building was indeed an airstrike.
Torej so d3bili dejansko raketirali civiliste
In Luhansk the situation remained volatile. On 2 June, shortly after 15:00 hrs, rockets hit the occupied regional administration building. Based on the SMM’s limited observation these strikes were the result of non-guided rockets shot from an aircraft. The number of casualties is unknown.