Uporabnik Matey pravi:
Uporabnik Snecer pravi:
Plinska kraljica bo spet kandidirala...
Podobno kot pri nas, ko se trudimo počistiti z ugrabitelji in plenilci države pa se kot odrešenik ponuja nek politik, ki bi naprej kradel.
Ja da fak, ženska, ki bi brez obotavljanja iz same jeze uporabila atomska orožja na nič krivemu ljudstvu zgolj zaradi politike. In ni 3x za rečt, da bo zaradi pranja medijev pa še česa dejansko zmagala
Na RT je tale komentar:Citat:
Uporabnik titov pravi:
Če se ne motim imajo v Turčiji volitve čez 3 dni...
Ja, še vedno je edini prevod tisti iz tiste turške strani, ki je prva objavila novico, ostali samo kopirajo, nihče pa ne preverja prevoda.
The complete context of the deliberately pieced together excerpts is as follows: Hakan Fidan argues for legitimacy of any move and in context points out that just any "excuse" is not good enough, must have international acceptability; if the issue is just an excuse anyone can even create his own and that would not be difficult, for example, he says that he (I) can have sent in a few missile to an empty land and voila one has an excuse. The subject "I" in his statement actually means/ is a snonym for what "any one" can do, to dramatize his argument. One engaged in conversation in Turkish would understand that
Uporabnik ceedevita pravi:
hja, 11 jih je bilo proti 50+ pa se je vdržalo. tako, da na nek način to res drži
Shortly before the Iraq war began, the US government announced that 49 countries were joined in a "coalition of the willing" in favor of forcibly removing Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq, with some number of other countries expressing their support in private
Uporabnik Fonzl pravi:
seveda ne
je pa še kako res tole:
Show me your allies, I'll know who you are