Napetost v Ukrajini - Krimu


13. sep 2007
It looks like Mr Putin is planning to finish talks tonight - he is off to Sochi this weekend, reports Tom Parfitt:


10. maj 2014

Tole je verjetno najboljša analiza, ki je bomo navadni smrtniki deležni naslednjih 50 let. Na kratko: Sakašvili je bil obseden z Olujo, ampak je preveč pozornosti namenil formi in premalo vsebini. Če tvoji vojaki izgledajo kot SEAL Team 6, še ne pomeni, da so SEAL Team 6. Prav tako SEAL Team 6 verjetno ni najboljše orodje za zmago v konvencionalni vojni z Rusijo.


What I mean by the Georgia model is the road to disaster followed by President Mikheil Saakashvili in the run-up to his country’s stomping by Putin in Georgia’s brief, painful war with Russia in August 2008. This is especially relevant because Saakashvili, a strategic illiterate, thought he was following the Croatian model of the 1990’s when, in fact, he did the opposite.
From the time he became president in 2004, Saakashvili didn’t just transform his military to “NATO-ize” it, he actively courted favor with the Pentagon and the George W. Bush administration, sending troops to Iraq to help battle the rising insurgency there. The Georgian army was reduced to five brigades, nearly all light infantry, ditching practically all its armor and artillery in favor of a counterterrorism and counterinsurgency approach to warfare, which of course was what U.S. military trainers working with the Georgians encouraged.

Most consequentially, as explained in the excellent book on the 2008 war written by the late Ron Asmus, Saakashvili had a chat in 2006 with Stipe Mesiæ, Croatia’s president, who knew that his country would soon join NATO, which was the Holy Grail for Tbilisi. Helpfully, Mesiæ told his Georgian counterpart that what he needed to do was reassert control over all their territory or they would never get into NATO — which was good advice — and to do that Georgia needed its own Operation STORM … which turned out to be deadly advice.
Wholly ignorant of military affairs, yet brimming with confidence, Saaksahvili became obsessed with the idea that Georgia could pull off its own Operation STORM and thereby humiliate Russia, achieving glory and entry to NATO. He did not dwell on the fact that Georgia’s military was totally incapable of anything like what Croatia achieved in 1995, nor that Russia is not Serbia.
Which happened in the summer of 2008, when months of Russian provocations in South Ossetia presented an opportunity that Saakashvili stumbled blindly towards, not understanding the consequences. It only took a few days in August for Putin’s forces to lay waste to Georgia’s unready forces. The only brigade of the Georgia Army that was battle-ready was not on hand since it was — you guessed it — serving with U.S. forces in Baghdad, while the other four maneuver brigades were in various stages of disrepair. They were, in the words of an American liaison officer, “beginning to walk, but by no means were they running … If that was a U.S. brigade it would not have gone into combat.”


10. nov 2014
"Ha ha ha, vsa Vzhodna Evropa je bila pod SZ da ne rečem o afriških komi državah ali pa Mongolija in Vietnam kjer so Rusi kar močno sodelovali"..... Natančno tako.... Potem upam,da ti je sedaj jasno kakšne nebuloze pišeš ??? ---"S kakšno pravico so imeli Rusi biti na tujem ozemlju?"...... Razen seveda če še nisi star 10 let, potem ti je oproščeno...


mesija - Assassin's Creep
8. jul 2010
blizu močvirne prestolnice
Šli so ker so totalne nesposobne reve, katere izkoriščajo slovane, še posebej Srbe kateri še vedno nasedajo njihovim lažem o bratstvu, katerega pa ni, vsaj iz Ruske strani ne!

Izbrisan uporabnik #488

sesuli švabe in kot poraženci odšli?

bravo, kaj ti dajejo

Izbrisan uporabnik #488

ne ni boljše klečati kot katoliban pred farškim prevarantom


Osebje foruma
18. sep 2007
Uporabnik 8888 pravi:
S kakšni argumentom so napadli Gruzijo? Tam ni bilo treba ščititi Rusov! S kakšnim argumentom so zravnali z zemljo Grozni?

Zdaj pa na to vprasanje odgovori glede napada ZDA na Irak leta 2003.


Osebje foruma
18. sep 2007
Uporabnik 8888 pravi:
S kakšno pravico so imeli Rusi biti na tujem ozemlju?

Guantanamo, Irak, Afganistan. Bos odgovoril na lastno vprasanje se za te drzave?


Osebje foruma
18. sep 2007
Ampak, če že kritiziraš, imej vsaj enaka merila za vse.

Zdaj mi pa povej, kaj krščanska načela pravijo glede tega. Kaj ti poreče krščansko srce glede tega:

Pa prosim, brez izogibanja vprašanju. So to vrednote Zahoda?
Nazadnje urejeno:


10. nov 2014
No pa pglejmo, koliko so Rusi fašistični, kot to pravi mlečnozobec po imenu 8888... KIEV, February 6. /TASS/. Thanks to the electricity imported from Russia, Kiev managed to settle the country's misbalanced energy system, Ukraine’s Minister of Energy and Coal Industry Vladimir Demchishin told the parliament on Friday.
He said earlier the Ukrinterenergo Company had signed an agreement on import at a "very adequate price".
"As of today, without import, the misbalance, as the temperatures are slightly lower and the consumption has been growing, is one gigawatt, or 1,000 megawatts. If we did not have the opportunity to receive that 1,000 megawatts, we would have stopped the industry; we saw that in December," the minister said. .... Skratka, samo za mlečnozobce... Rusi še vedno prodajajo elektriko Ukrajincem po ruskih cenah, ki so NIŽJE od Ukrajinskih...