Napetost v Ukrajini - Krimu


10. maj 2014
Karkoli se dogaja se dogaja na relaciji Moskva-SPD. Verjetno nemška slaba vest zaradi WWII ali pa cekini padajo v prave žepe.


10. maj 2014
v Luhanski regiji so organizirali antifašistični kongres.

Vse lepo in prav, če ne bi na plakatu imeli zastave Don Kozakov,

ki so med 2. sv vojno v velikem številu kolaborirali z nacistično Nemčijo in pobijali partizane po Jugoslaviji.

Slika je malo medla, možno, da za mizo sedi celo Pavel Gubarev.

During World War II, the Don Cossacks mustered the largest single concentration of Cossacks within the German Army, the XVth SS Cossack Cavalry Corps. A great part of the Cossacks were former Russian citizens who elected to fight not so much for Germany as against the Soviet Union. The XVth SS Cossack Cavalry Corps included the 1st Cossack Division and the 2nd Cossack Division.

Already in May 1943 Pannwitz was given authorization to create a first Cossack Division consisting of two brigades which trained throughout the summer in M³awa (Mielau), north of Warsaw. The division was then not, as it had hoped, sent to fight the Red Army, but instead it was ordered, in September 1943, to proceed to Yugoslavia and fight Josip Broz Tito's partisans. The Cossacks took part in several major offensives against the Partisans including Operation Rösselsprung, the attack on Tito's headquarter in Bosnia from which Tito evaded capture only by the narrowest of margins. During the summer of 1944 the two brigades were upgraded to become the 1st Cossack Cavalry Division and 2nd Cossack Cavalry Division. From the beginning of 1945, these divisions were combined to become XVth Cossack Cavalry Corps.
However, by February 1, 1945 the corps was transferred to the Waffen-SS. Despite the refusal of General von Pannwitz to enter the SS, the corps was placed under SS administration and all Cossacks became formally part of the Waffen-SS.

Upon the formation of the unit in April 1943, the Division was dispatched to Croatia, where they were placed under the command of the Second Panzer Army and were used to provide rear area security to the army.

The Division's first fighting engagement was on October 12, 1943, when the unit was dispatched against Yugoslav partisans in Fruška Gora Mountains. In the operation the Cossacks aided by 15 tanks and 1 armoured car captured the village of Beocin with the partisan HQ. Subsequently the unit was used to protect the Zagreb-Belgrade railroad and the Sava valley. Several regiments of the division took part in several anti-partisan operations and guarded the Sarajevo railroad against the partisans. As part of a wide anti-partisan operation Napfkuchen the Cossack division was transferred to Croatia, where it fought against partisans and chetniks in 1944.

In 1944, the unit saw heavy action in Yugoslavia and suffered losses when Siberian Cossacks 2nd Regiment was surrounded by the partisans and held on for several days until other Cossack regiments were able to provide relief and break the encirclement.

The Cossacks' first engagement against the Red Army happened in December 1944 near Pitomača. The fighting resulted in Soviet withdrawal from the area. In January 1945, the 1st Cossack Division together with the 2nd Cossack Division was transferred to the Waffen-SS. As the 1. SS-Kosaken-Kavallerie-Division it became part of the newly formed XV SS Cossack Cavalry Corps.

In kaj wikipedija pravi o kolaboraciji ukrajinske uporniške vojske, ki je po novoreku najbolj fašistična formacija vseh časov?


In a Memorandum from August 14, 1941 the OUN (B) proposed to the Germans, to create a Ukrainian Army “which will join the German Аrmy ... until the latter will win” (preferable translation: "which will unite with the German Army ... until [our] final victory"), in exchange for German recognition of an allied Ukrainian independent state.
However, these proposals were not accepted by the Germans, and by the middle of September 1941 the Germans began a campaign of repression against the most proactive OUN members.

At the beginning of October 1941, during the first OUN Conference, the OUN formulated its future strategy. This called for transferring part of its organizational structure underground, in order to avoid conflict with the Germans. It also refrained from open anti-German propaganda activities.[41][dubious – discuss] At the same time, the OUN tried to infiltrate its own members into and create its own network within the German Auxiliary police.

A captured German document of November 25, 1941 (Nuremberg Trial O14-USSR) ordered: "It has been ascertained that the Bandera Movement is preparing a revolt in the Reichskommissariat which has as its ultimate aim the establishment of an independent Ukraine. All functionaries of the Bandera Movement must be arrested at once and, after thorough interrogation, are to be liquidated..."
At the Second Conference of the OUN(B), held in April 1942, the policies for the “creation, build-up and development of Ukrainian political and future military forces” and “action against partisan activity supported by Moscow” were adopted. Although German policies were criticized, the Soviet partisans were identified as the primary enemy of OUN (B).[43]

In July 1942 OUN (B) issued a statement in which it stated that the main enemy targeted was “Moscow”, while Germany was criticized for its policy concerning the Ukrainian independent state. Until December 1942, OUN (B)'s principal activity was propaganda and the development of its own underground network; at that time, actions against the Germans were described as undesirable and provocative.


Despite the stated opinions of Dmytro Klyachkivsky and Roman Shukhevych that the Germans were a secondary threat compared to their main enemies (the communist forces of the Soviet Union and Poland), the Third Conference of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists - held near Lviv from 17–21 February 1943 - took the decision to begin open warfare against the Germans (OUN fighters had already attacked a German garrison earlier that year (7 February)). Accordingly, the OUN (B) leadership on March 20, 1943 issued secret instructions ordering their members who had joined the German auxiliary police (Ukrainische Hilfspolizei) in 1941-1942 to desert with their weapons and join with UPA units in Volyn. This process often involved engaging in armed conflict with German forces as they tried to prevent desertion. The number of trained and armed soldiers who now joined the ranks of the UPA was estimated to be between 4 and 5 thousand. Initially, the military formation of the OUN under Bandera's leadership was called the "military detachment of OUN (SD)" but after April 1943 the name "Ukrainska Povstanska Armiya" (UPA) was adopted as the official title.

Anti-German actions were limited to situations where the Germans attacked the Ukrainian population or UPA units.[48] Indeed, according to German Eastern Front General Ernst Kostring, UPA fighters "fought almost exclusively against German administrative agencies, the German police and the SS in their quest to establish an independent Ukraine controlled by neither Moscow nor Germany."[49]

During the German occupation, the UPA conducted hundreds of raids on police stations and military convoys. In the region of Zhytomyr insurgents were estimated by the German General-Kommissar Leyser to be in control of 80% of the forests and 60% of the farmland.[50] The UPA was able to send small groups of raiders deep into eastern Ukraine.
In June 1943 German SS and police forces under the command of General von dem Bach-Zelewski, chosen by Himmler and seen as an expert in anti-guerrilla warfare, attempted to destroy UPA-North in Volyn during Operation "BB" (Bandenbekämpfung).
From July through September 1943, as a result of an estimated 74 clashes between German forces and the UPA, the Germans lost over 3,000 men killed or wounded while the UPA lost 1,237 killed or wounded. In the fall of 1943, clashes between the UPA and the Germans declined, so that Erich Koch in his November 1943 report and New Year 1944 speech could mention that “nationalistic bands in forests do not pose any major threat” for the Germans.

In autumn 1943 some detachments of the UPA attempted to find rapprochement with the Germans. Although doing so was condemned by an OUN/UPA order from November 25, 1943, these actions did not end.[61] In early 1944 UPA forces in several Western regions engaged in cooperation with the German Wehrmacht, Waffen SS, SiPo and SD. However, in the winter and spring of 1944 it would be incorrect to state that there was a complete cessation of armed conflict between UPA and German forces, because the UPA continued to defend Ukrainian villages against the repressive actions of the German administration.
The UPA, fighting a two-front war against both the Germans and approaching Soviets (as well as Soviet partisans), did not focus all of its efforts against the Germans. Indeed, it considered the Soviets to be a greater threat. Adopting a strategy analogous to that of the Chetnik leader General Draža Mihailoviæ, the UPA limited its actions against the Germans in order to better prepare itself for and engage in the struggle against the Communists. Because of this, although the UPA managed to limit German activities to a certain extent, it failed to prevent the Germans from deporting approximately 500,000 people from Western Ukrainian regions and from economically exploiting Western Ukraine. Due to its focus on the Soviets as the principal threat, UPA's anti-German struggle did not contribute significantly to the liberation of Ukrainian territories by Soviet forces.

ruska logika:

Enote, ki aktivno delujejo pri zatiranju protinemške gverile stotine kilometrov od doma, so antifašistične.
Enote, ki Nemčijo zaprosijo za pomoč pri osvobajanju domovine in jo dobijo šele jeseni 1944, vmes pa aktivno pokajo po Švabih, so fašistične.



10. maj 2014
Iz teme o Angelci:

A German official told me, “The Chancellor thinks Putin believes that we’re decadent, we’re gay, we have women with beards”—a reference to Conchita Wurst, an Austrian drag queen who won the 2014 Eurovision song contest. “That it’s a strong Russia of real men versus the decadent West that’s too pampered, too spoiled, to stand up for their beliefs if it costs them one per cent of their standard of living. That’s his wager. We have to prove it’s not true.”

Ni kaj dodat. Nobenega razloga ni za gospodarsko ali kako drugo uničenje Rusije, razen, če si Rusija tega močno želi, samo pokazat jim je treba, da lahko stojimo za svojimi besedami. Drugače Ukrajina ne bo zadnji problem.


18. apr 2013
Uporabnik darjan pravi:
Rusija tone v recesijo...

ah ja....še kar naprej tumbaš eno in isto...

No pa dajmo malo obrnit zadevo....stopimo eno stopničko višje.

Dejstvo....Ukrajina je nebodiga treba. Delovanje oblasti je nelogično(kot nekaterih tumbanje na tem forumu)
Dejstvo....Medijsko se napihuje konfrontacija med Vzhodom in Zahodom(in če dodam zelo očitno)
Dejstvo....Zahod je v totalni krizi. Lažne konfrontacije ga držijo gor(terorizem, Rusija, Kitajska, diktatorski sistemi...)
Dejstvo....Nova rezervna valuta je fakt.
Dejstvo....Nova mednarodna banka in finančna institucija je fakt zdaj obrat....Kaj je dejansko povzročilo krizo na zahodu? Sistematizirana korupcija, ki ga utelešata tako institut rezervne valute, kot tudi mednarodnega monetarnega instrumenta.(banke).
Oba sta instrument elite, ki ropa rajo s tem ko odvzema vsaki posamični državi suverenost. Torej gremo iz enega sistema, ki ga je čuvala ena super sila v sistem, ki ga čuva več. Da pa bi raja ne spregledala tega početja....mora biti raji dovolj hudo, da sprejme v bistvu samo preoblečeno sistemsko korupcijo. Torej raji je bilo dano tisto, kar razume, da je bilo narobe in elita ne more več skriti, med tem ohrani tisto, kar ji omogoča nadaljne ropanje in kontrolo. Torej...konc koncev je vse skupaj le šov za rajo, ki pa je lahko tudi zelo boleč. Vse dokler je veliko ekstremizma, je tudi veliko ovc, ki se borijo proti raji na strani elite(nevede...recimo fašizem-komunizem).

Torej kaj se je zgodilo: zgodil se je prevrat v globalni državi. Elita, ki je bila tik pod vrhom je vrgla iz prestola vladajočo.
Torej kdo so ta vladajoča elita: v bistvu, kot že nekaj časa...banksterji, ki so vrgli iz prestola druge banksterje, ker so zahebal.


OSS created — Roosevelt restructures COI into something more suitable for covert action, the Office of Strategic Services (OSS). Donovan recruits so many of the nation’s rich and powerful that eventually people joke that "OSS" stands for "Oh, so social!" or "Oh, such snobs!"


10. maj 2014
Mickey Rourke, ki je zadnje čase precej v Moskvi, v petek bo tam boksal.


Kdo je naci?


13. sep 2007

roflol, kdo pa to verjame pa je naiven do amena...

ves svet gleda pod prste ameriški vojski in mediji samo čakajo, da da nihče ne bi opazil teh premikov?


11. okt 2007
Nad paradnimi svetovnimi mediji in US vojsko bdijo isti lobiji. Sam ti in tvoji somisljeniki tega ne dojemas, in nikol nebos


11. okt 2007
Company In Which Joe Biden's Son Is Director Prepares To Drill Shale Gas In East Ukraine

In a nutshell Ukraine (or rather its puppetmasters) has decided to let no crisis (staged or otherwise) or rather civil war, go to waste, and while the fighting rages all around, Ukrainian troopers are helping to install shale gas production equipment near the east Ukrainian town of Slavyansk, which was bombed and shelled for the three preceding months, according to local residents cited by Itar Tass. The reason for the scramble? Under peacetime, the process was expected to take many years, during which Europe would be under the energy dictatorship of Putin. But throw in some civil war and few will notice let alone care that a process which was expected to take nearly a decade if not longer while dealing with broad popular objections to fracking, may instead be completed in months!

Kdo je Joe Biden


10. maj 2014
ZeroHedge fura sin bolgarskega novinarja s povezavami z bolgarsko obveščevalno službo v svinčenih časih. Fotr ima zdaj čez podobno stran za bolgarsko tržišče.

Bolgarska obveščevalna je postala slavna, ko so oporečnika pospravili z zastrupljeno kroglo izstreljeno iz v dežnik skrite puške.
Sicer so opravljali umazane posle, da je SZ lahko uveljavljala "plausible deniability".