Napetost v Ukrajini - Krimu


10. maj 2014

Despite speculation that "Tyler Durden" is a pseudonym of Daniel Ivandjiiski, who was penalized for insider trading in New York in September 2008, Ivandjiiski denies being a founder of Zero Hedge. Rather, he says he is one of several writers contributing to the site under the pseudonym. In an interview, "Durden" said there were four editors at Zero Hedge but another editor says there are up to 40


Zero Hedge[1] is a batshit insane Austrian economics-based finance blog run by a pseudonymous founder who posts articles under the name "Tyler Durden," after the character from Fight Club by Chuck Palahniuk.

Tyler claims to be a "believer in a sweeping conspiracy that casts the alumni of Goldman Sachs as a powerful cabal at the helm of U.S. policy, with the Treasury and the Federal Reserve colluding to preserve the status quo." While this is not an entirely unreasonable statement of the problem,[2] his solution actually mirrors the anatagonist in Fight Club in that Tyler wants, per Austrian school ideas, to lead a catastrophic market crash in order to destroy banking institutions and bring back "real" free market capitalism.[3]
The only writer conclusively identified is Dan Ivandjiiski, who conducts public interviews on behalf of Zero Hedge.[6] The blog came online several days after he lost his job at Wexford Capital, a Connecticut-based hedge fund (run by a former Goldman trader). And proceeded to choose his pen name from a nihilistic psychotic delusion.
Ivandjiiski's history is a little odd, since he moved to the United States from Bulgaria to study at the University of Pennsylvania in order to pursue molecular biology (then go on to med school). Instead he took a job as a junior investment banker at Jefferies & Company in Los Angeles, and continued in finance. It is interesting to note that in 2005, while working for Miller Buckfire, he was barred from working in the broker-dealer business due to insider trading amounting to $780.

Dan denies that he founded the site, but he claims no other profession and to be the primary author of a number of the articles. He claims he writes with a staff of up to 40 other writers that work for Zero Hedge. However, secrecy is paramount in case They find out.

"Creative" journalism is apparently not out of place in the Ivandjiiski family either. His father Krassimir Ivandjiiski runs a cranky tabloid called Bulgaria Confidential; it received brief notoriety in the US after publishing a story about massive drug trafficking and corruption in Montana, picked up by an independent US rag Free Speech Newspaper.[16] There Krassimir and Free Speech claimed that the governor was an alcoholic drug abuser that helped turn his state into one of the pits of drug trafficking in the US.[17] The governor fired off complaints about slander, while many wondered why a state hundreds of miles from any major population center and one small highway[18] could have more drug runners than the West Coast.[19]


So what is ZH, exactly? Its creator is Daniel Ivandjiiski, a native of Bulgaria. Daniel has a very dodgy past, including losing a job and his securities license for insider trading. None of this is hard to find out: it was covered in a New York Magazine piece that ran soon after ZH first gained notoriety. Mr. Ivandjiiski’s checkered past perhaps explains his clearcut antipathy for Wall Street. But there may be more to it than that.

In light of my flash analogy of ZH to a Soviet disinformation operation, what is really interesting is the background of Daniel Ivandjiiski’s father. Ivandjiiski pere (Kassimir) was a Bulgarian “journalist” and “envoy” during the Cold War. A member of the Bulgarian Ministry of Foreign Trade, in the COMECON and EU departments. A journalist. A “special envoy” (hence presumably with very useful diplomatic cover) in every proxy war in Central Asia and Africa in the 1970s and 1980s.

That is an intel operative’s CV with probability 1. Probability 1. Every one of those jobs was a classic cover. There is no doubt in my mind whatsoever—none—that Mr. Divandjiiski senior was a member of the Bulgarian Committee for State Security (Държавна сигурност or DS for short)—the Bulgarian equivalent of the KGB. And remember that Bulgarian DS was the USSR KGB’s most reliable allied service during the Cold War. It carried out wet work in western countries, notably the “umbrella murder” of Georgi Markov in London. It was linked to the plot to assassinate the Pope; although in the topsy-turvy world of intelligence, it is also alleged that the CIA fabricated the case against the DS. Regardless of the truth about the links to the attempt on John Paul II, it was a very, very, very nasty operation. (The African stops in Ivandjiiski’s resume makes it highly likely that his path intersected that of another charmer, Igor Sechin, who was a “translator” in Africa.)

Perhaps it is just coincidence that the son of an obvious Warsaw Pact intelligence service agent with the “journalistic” and “diplomatic” background commonly used in influence and disinformation operations starts a website that employs classic influence and disinformation methods, and spouts an editorial line dripping with vitriol and hostility for American (and Western European) financial institutions and governments: a line that follows that of RT quite closely. Perhaps. But if it is, it is a fascinating one, no? (It amazes me that although Kassimir’s background has been discussed in the context of Zero Hedge, I cannot find anyone in an English language source making the obvious connection with Bulgarian, and hence Soviet, intelligence. It is as plain as the nose on one’s face.)


10. maj 2014
in tole:

How Do You Know That Zero Hedge is a Russian Information Operation? Here’s How


I have frequently written that Zero Hedge has the MO of a Soviet agitprop operation, that it reliably peddles Russian propaganda: my first post on this, almost exactly three years ago, noted the parallels between Zero Hedge and Russia Today.

A few days ago ZH ran a post that illustrates perfectly how it spews Russian propaganda that slanders the United States and other enemies of Russia, such as Ukraine: “Ukraine Admits Its Gold Is Gone: “There Is Almost No Gold Left In The Central Bank Vault.”

The lurid post highlights a statement by the head of Ukraine’s Central Bank, to the effect that almost all the gold in Ukraine’s official reserve is gone. It states that this is news, a stunning revelation, which confirms a story that ZH reported a few weeks after the triumph of Maidan: that soon after Yanukovych fled, the gold had been spirited out of the country in the dead of night by airplane. It closes by stating the the disappearance of the gold occurred at the time that US State Department official Victoria Nuland was in Kiev. The implication is obvious. The US stole it:

In any event, now that the disappearance of Ukraine’s gold has been confirmed, perhaps it is time to refresh the “unconfirmed” story that a little after the current Ukraine regime took power the bulk of Ukraine’s gold was taken to the United States.

Wow. Quite a tale.

And one that overlooks crucial details. Most importantly, the Ukrainian CB’s “admission” of that the vaults are empty is not news. At all. A mere few days after Yanukovych fled, Ukrainian Prime Minister Yatsenuk disclosed that the country’s gold reserves had been looted:

Speaking in parliament, Yatsenyuk said that the former government had left the country with $75bn of debts. “Over $20bn of gold reserve were embezzled. They took $37bn of loans that disappeared,” Yatsenyuk said. “Around $70bn was moved to offshore accounts from Ukraine’s financial system in the last three years,” he claimed. [Emphasis added.]

The US dispatched FBI and Treasury investigators to assist Ukraine in an investigation.

Funny how ZH left out that history, which appeared in virtually every mainstream publication at the time, and made it seem for all the world like the Ukrainian Central Bank’s revelation hit the world like a thunderbolt, nine months after Yanukovych’s flight. That distortion of history makes it plain that the ZH story is not information, but an information operation.

Shortly after Yatsenuk disclosed the theft of the gold, stories started appearing on the web, first on a Russian website, claiming that the gold had been spirited out the country: including on ZH, which quoted the Russian web story. This obviously serves a Russian purpose: it presents a counter-narrative that blames the theft of the gold not on Yanukovych, or the Russians, but on the new Ukrainian government and the United States.

This is the classic Soviet/Russian agitprop MO that I noted 3 years ago. A story appears in an obscure publication, typically outside the US or Europe, where it has been planted by Soviet/Russian intelligence. It is then picked up by another, more widely read publication, in Europe or the West. Maybe it works its way through several additional media sources. It then gets disseminated more widely in the west, sometimes making it to prestige publications like the NYT.

In the era of the web, the information weapon needn’t make it that far. Getting into a widely-read web publication like Zero Hedge which is then linked by numerous other sources and tweeted widely ensures that the lie goes viral.

ZH is an important transmission belt moving the story from Russian propagandists/information warriors to western news consumers. It happens a lot. This is a particularly egregious example, but the transmission belt runs almost daily. ZH is as much a part of Putin’s information warfare as RT. If you follow closely enough, it’s as plain as the nose on your face.

So why does anyone take Zero Hedge seriously? And believe me, many do. Many people who should know better.

And what is the US’s counterstrategy? Marie Harf’s Twitter account. I say again: we are so screwed.


YUGOslovanski mehanik Dmitri Mendeleev
23. jul 2008
Lepo se topi sneg na Krimu! Bo to nova Kuba? Merklova se vceraj ni to ponoven zagon nemskega gospodarstva


18. apr 2013
Uporabnik darjan pravi:

roflol, kdo pa to verjame pa je naiven do amena...

ves svet gleda pod prste ameriški vojski in mediji samo čakajo, da da nihče ne bi opazil teh premikov?

Če je kdo naiven potem si ti....medijska cenzura=didnt hapend. Najbrž ti ni treba razlagat dovršenosti medijske cenzure na zahodu?
Je pa vseeno...vsi vemo da je vse to le en šov. Naj nam bo jasno. Opcija propada USSA in EU ne obstaja....Treba je le prepričat ljudi, da ohranijo sistem, se prilagodijo novim razmeram in sprejmejo nove in nove davke. Nova hladna vojna bo pomagala zahodu, da oživi gospodarstvo in mobilizirala ljudi proti zlobnemu ostalemu svetu, ki jim dela krivico. Če ljudje ne bodo padli na stare zna zgodit realna potrditev v večjih vojnah. Vse kar lahko naredimo je da čakamo, da se elita klimatizira na novih položajih. Šele potem se lahko začnemo ukvarjat z njo.


Italy — Donovan recruits the Catholic Church in Rome to be the center of Anglo-American spy operations in Fascist Italy. This would prove to be one of America’s most enduring intelligence alliances in the Cold War.


18. apr 2013
Uporabnik Kamele0N pravi:
Lepo se topi sneg na Krimu! Bo to nova Kuba? Merklova se vceraj ni to ponoven zagon nemskega gospodarstva

glede takih novic mi je bil najbolj všeč post od Vineyard of the saker:

The Saker

Posted by VINEYARDSAKER: at 17:47 18 comments:
Labels: Ukrainian national suicide Russian commander warns US could control whole Gulf of Mexico

How is that for a ridiculous headline? You like it?

Well, it is just a little variation of a BBC headline today:

Nato commander warns Russia could control whole Black Sea

Here is an except from this article:

Russia's top military commander, Gen Valerii Gerasimov, has warned that US "militarisation" of the annexed Florida Peninsula could be used to exert control over the whole Gulf of Mexico.
Well, the real excerpt was just slightly different:

Nato's top military commander, Gen Philip Breedlove, has warned that Russian "militarisation" of the annexed Crimea Peninsula could be used to exert control over the whole Black Sea. "


OSS is abolished — The remaining American information agencies cease covert actions and return to harmless information gathering and analysis.

Operation PAPERCLIP – While other American agencies are hunting down Nazi war criminals for arrest, the U.S. intelligence community is smuggling them into America, unpunished, for their use against the Soviets. The most important of these is Reinhard Gehlen, Hitler’s master spy who had built up an intelligence network in the Soviet Union. With full U.S. blessing, he creates the "Gehlen Organization," a band of refugee Nazi spies who reactivate their networks in Russia. These include SS intelligence officers Alfred Six and Emil Augsburg (who massacred Jews in the Holocaust), Klaus Barbie (the "Butcher of Lyon"), Otto von Bolschwing (the Holocaust mastermind who worked with Eichmann) and SS Colonel Otto Skorzeny (a personal friend of Hitler’s). The Gehlen Organization supplies the U.S. with its only intelligence on the Soviet Union for the next ten years, serving as a bridge between the abolishment of the OSS and the creation of the CIA. However, much of the "intelligence" the former Nazis provide is bogus. Gehlen inflates Soviet military capabilities at a time when Russia is still rebuilding its devastated society, in order to inflate his own importance to the Americans (who might otherwise punish him). In 1948, Gehlen almost convinces the Americans that war is imminent, and the West should make a preemptive strike. In the 50s he produces a fictitious "missile gap." To make matters worse, the Russians have thoroughly penetrated the Gehlen Organization with double agents, undermining the very American security that Gehlen was supposed to protect.


18. apr 2013
Pozabljaš, da je zadaj Kitajska. Rubelj je nizko, ker je po eni strani napaden s špekulacijami in po drugi strani zaradi prevelike odvisnosti od izvoza/uvoza. Beri drugače....Rusi se morajo navaditi zopet delat tisto, kar so že počeli in zdaj uvažajo. Odgovor na sankcije je bil z sankcijami na uvoz hrane! Ali lahko pridelajo sami? Seveda....Kar samo rečem...Rusi so zdaj razpištoljeni in bodo zagrabl za delo. Da tako se pa po drugi strani mobilizira ljudi, ki bi drugač rekl: Zakaj že?

Vglavnem....vsedi se in uživaj v dogodkih. (in uči se) . Ne pozabi : ne eni ne drugi niso na tvoji strani!!!!



Greece — President Truman requests military aid to Greece to support right-wing forces fighting communist rebels. For the rest of the Cold War, Washington and the CIA will back notorious Greek leaders with deplorable human rights records.

CIA created — President Truman signs the National Security Act of 1947, creating the Central Intelligence Agency and National Security Council. The CIA is accountable to the president through the NSC — there is no democratic or congressional oversight. Its charter allows the CIA to "perform such other functions and duties… as the National Security Council may from time to time direct." This loophole opens the door to covert action and dirty tricks.
Nazadnje urejeno:


18. okt 2014
Kitajci se za Ruse brigajo, kolikor imajo od tega korist - trenutno izjemno poceni plin, recimo.

Kdaj so Rusi kaj takega počeli, kar danes uvažajo? Imajo energente - potem se pa neha. Trenutno jih močno tepe nizka cena nafte in še nekaj časa (do Putinovega zloma) jih bo.


18. apr 2013
Uporabnik Tony_Clifton pravi:
Kitajci se za Ruse brigajo, kolikor imajo od tega korist - trenutno izjemno poceni plin, recimo.

Kdaj so Rusi kaj takega počeli, kar danes uvažajo? Imajo energente - potem se pa neha. Trenutno jih močno tepe nizka cena nafte in še nekaj časa (do Putinovega zloma) jih bo.

Ah ja. Sem mel že ogromno napisanga pa je brez veze.Sem zbrisal..
Vglavnem. Je že vse odločeno.
Samo sedite in opazujte. Cena naftnih derivatov na našem trgu je brez veze. Samo pomaga nam na zahodu(ljudem), da sprejmejo to ekonomsko vojno nič drugega in da se lotijo dela na vzhodu. Potem pa to združiž....

V zgornem linku bi vas opozoril na eno malenkost...:

"BCT as mentioned here is the algorithm which creates BitCoins. A BitCoin is a data packet, nothing more. Yes, much of the data is encrypted, to provide authenticity, but in essence, a BitCoin, has an issue date, issuer, Denomination, serial number, and transaction history. This is similar to a paper Rouble note, which uses special paper, special inks, unique engraving, holograms, to create a paper emblazoned with the denomination, serial number, date of issue, issuer, using the former to guarantee authenticity.

This essay advocates conversion of all electronic Roubles into ElectronicRoubles, which we define here as Data Packets containing the following fields:

1. Denomination
2. Serial Number
3. Issue Date
4. Issuer
5. Encrypted Transaction History
6. Security Code, which is an encrypted hash of the foregoing fields

To prevent counterfeiting, all ERs are recorded in the RCB database, including the owner of record. "

Zanimivo a nazaj na trdne temelje kapitalizma ampak naprej v totalno kontrolo denarja

In vi ste mislil da je BITCOIN izumil en genij....ah ja....


Covert-action wing created — The CIA recreates a covert action wing, innocuously called the Office of Policy Coordination, led by Wall Street lawyer Frank Wisner. According to its secret charter, its responsibilities include "propaganda, economic warfare, preventive direct action, including sabotage, antisabotage, demolition and evacuation procedures; subversion against hostile states, including assistance to underground resistance groups, and support of indigenous anti-communist elements in threatened countries of the free world."

Italy — The CIA corrupts democratic elections in Italy, where Italian communists threaten to win the elections. The CIA buys votes, broadcasts propaganda, threatens and beats up opposition leaders, and infiltrates and disrupts their organizations. It works -- the communists are defeated.


18. okt 2014
Se oproščam, sem pretumpast, da bi lahko dojel kaj si hotel povedati v zvezi z BitCoini.

Govoril sem o ceni nafte - torej svetovni trg.

Kdo je najboljši ruski general? Zima.
Kdo je najboljši ruski gospodarski minister? Nafta.


11. okt 2007
Vsa "igra" se vrti okoli ameriške namere po plenjenju ruskega bogastva.

Olimpijske igre v Sochiju in SP v nogometu v Rusiji sta le ena od pretkanih ameriških potez za razbitje ruskega "oklepa".


18. apr 2013
Malo bolj po domače....

Cena nafte pomaga zahodu...ja?
Selitev rezervne valute pomaga Vzhodu...ja?

Ampak.....važna je valuta če hočmo spregledat situacijo globalno. Če hočmo razumet kdo je zadaj za BRIC-om, mormo razumet kakšno finančno politiko se bodo šli.

že zgodovina. Kontrola tiskanja denarja in globalna finančna in monetarna politika, ki je nad suverenostjo držav.
Prihodnost. Kontrola izdajanja, določanja vrednosti IN UPORABE denarja..Iz tega lahko samo sklepamo, da ne gremo nazaj na zdravi kapitalizem in regulacijo finančnikov in banksterjev ampak naprej....še več kontrole se jim daje.

Vse ostalo...ekonomska vojna, vojna v Ukrajini, podpihovanje nacizma in reakcionizma na nacizem, verskega fundemantelizma itd je v tem...da delajo reset na zahodu in zaganjajo NWO mark2 na VZHODU!

Da se razumemo....Prva država, ki je bila pod kontrolo banksterjev so bile USSA. Kdo je nevidna vojska, ki jim je dala moč?
Pri vsakem postu vam dajem namig.

Za obstajajo verske, ideološke vojne. Obstajajo ali vojne med elito ali vojne za elito proti raji.


Radio Free Europe — The CIA creates its first major propaganda outlet, Radio Free Europe. Over the next several decades, its broadcasts are so blatantly false that for a time it is considered illegal to publish transcripts of them in the U.S.


18. apr 2013
Uporabnik Rosenthal pravi:
Vsa "igra" se vrti okoli ameriške namere po plenjenju ruskega bogastva.

Olimpijske igre v Sochiju in SP v nogometu v Rusiji sta le ena od pretkanih ameriških potez za razbitje ruskega "oklepa".

Da....ampak ta elita je že premagana.... NWO mark 1.
Stvari se dogajajo vedno veliko prej kot si lahko predstavljamo mi tukaj spodaj. Spopad ali bolje napad elite NWO mk1 se je začel z razpadom SZ. Nastala je ekonomska in finančna situacija, ki je bila namenjena prevzemu suverenosti držav. Po domače...tolk so polena metal , da razen reseta ne pomaga nič zahodu. In ni pomagal. Ljudje so spregledal...Jasno jim je, da nimajo kontrole nad svojo državo. Zdej pa...ali lahko pričakujejo totalen revolt ali pa reset.
Torej...glavno pravilo razbijanja revolta. Prevzemi revolt v svoje roke.

Tole mi je padel v oči iz istega linka:
" Gareth said...
Jim Rogers’ contrarian view on Russia

"The rouble may be down more than 25 per cent versus the dollar this year, but the currency’s recent slide won’t be enough to dissuade legendary investor and author Jim Rogers from adding to his Russia investments."...

"Rogers also added that he believed international sanctions would eventually backfire on the United States and its allies by driving the Russian economy into closer relations with China and Asia, and that Putin’s desire to turn Russia into a financial centre would as a result likely pay off."...

"Regarding the Eurozone, Rogers said he didn’t own any euros, nor did he want to because he would rather buy Russia." "

Eni točno vedo....

Uglavnem...Da ena elita bi najraje ostala z NWO jim druga ni pustila. Ampak to je boj titanov. Boj raje je boj ideologij in ver. To je naš doseg. Na žalost.

Late 40s

Operation MOCKINGBIRD — The CIA begins recruiting American news organizations and journalists to become spies and disseminators of propaganda. The effort is headed by Frank Wisner, Allan Dulles, Richard Helms and Philip Graham. Graham is publisher of The Washington Post, which becomes a major CIA player. Eventually, the CIA’s media assets will include ABC, NBC, CBS, Time, Newsweek, Associated Press, United Press International, Reuters, Hearst Newspapers, Scripps-Howard, Copley News Service and more. By the CIA’s own admission, at least 25 organizations and 400 journalists will become CIA assets.


13. sep 2007
OPEC ima sestanek na dunaju, če sem prav slišal na zahtevo rusije, ker so fajn v drami zaradi nizke cene nafte.

Na našo srečo nič ne kaže, da bi se cena spremenila, tako da bo začela rusija fajn tenko piskat počasi...


11. okt 2007
Glede na to, da Zahod napada Rusijo in ne obratno, so bolj Zahodnjaki tisti, ki piskajo tanko..

Mnozicni napadi USA na drzave z bogatimi naravnimi viri, govorijo zase!

Sicer pa je ze dolgo znano, da bo to obdobje prezivela le Rusijo kot taka, za razliko od Zahoda, ki mu kapitalisticni sistem s sesuvanjem samim vase ne omogoca prezivetja.


10. maj 2014
Uporabnik Rosenthal pravi:
Sicer pa je ze dolgo znano, da bo to obdobje prezivela le Rusijo kot taka, za razliko od Zahoda, ki mu kapitalisticni sistem s sesuvanjem samim vase ne omogoca prezivetja.

Kakšen sistem ima pa Rusija? Kleptokracijo? Izvažamosurovineuvažamotehnologijoizem?


18. apr 2013

Tako je tudi začela Kitajska. Sicer malo drugače....Izvažala je poceni delovno silo oz. delo.
Ampak vprašanje je:
Kdo je investiral?
Komu so zvesti investitorji? Kitajski ne Rusiji ne EU in ne USSA. Je to res tako težko razumeti?


Iran – CIA overthrows the democratically elected Mohammed Mossadegh in a military coup, after he threatened to nationalize British oil. The CIA replaces him with a dictator, the Shah of Iran, whose secret police, SAVAK, is as brutal as the Gestapo.

Operation MK-ULTRA — Inspired by North Korea’s brainwashing program, the CIA begins experiments on mind control. The most notorious part of this project involves giving LSD and other drugs to American subjects without their knowledge or against their will, causing several to commit suicide. However, the operation involves far more than this. Funded in part by the Rockefeller and Ford foundations, research includes propaganda, brainwashing, public relations, advertising, hypnosis, and other forms of suggestion.


18. apr 2013
Uporabnik darjan pravi:
OPEC ima sestanek na dunaju, če sem prav slišal na zahtevo rusije, ker so fajn v drami zaradi nizke cene nafte.

Na našo srečo nič ne kaže, da bi se cena spremenila, tako da bo začela rusija fajn tenko piskat počasi...

Preveč kratkoročno razmišljaš. Največ odgovorov lahko najdeš v Q and A with Khazin
Kdo je on? Mislim da vam ne bo težko najti odgovora na netu.


Guatemala — CIA overthrows the democratically elected Jacob Arbenz in a military coup. Arbenz has threatened to nationalize the Rockefeller-owned United Fruit Company, in which CIA Director Allen Dulles also owns stock. Arbenz is replaced with a series of right-wing dictators whose bloodthirsty policies will kill over 100,000 Guatemalans in the next 40 years.