Nekako tako so se tolažili Angleži 1939.Citat:
Čimprej odcepiti vzhodno Ukrajino pa bo mir.
Chamberlain press
Ne more ena država s 120 milijoni prebivalcev jebati celotno Eu in svoje okoliške države - razen če ji to pustijo.
Nekako tako so se tolažili Angleži 1939.Citat:
Čimprej odcepiti vzhodno Ukrajino pa bo mir.
Uporabnik Pac_Man pravi:
S tem da hrvaška medicinska sestra dobi malo več kot 100€/mesec. Rusi si prav tako zaslužijo revolucijo.
But on the eve of the first major NATO meeting since 2012, a coalition composed of seven former United States intelligence officers is asking the alliance to recall the 2003 invasion of Iraq before authorizing any military action.
According to the group, Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity, the evidence produced by NATO from the Ukrainian-Russian border is on par with the “same dubious, politically ‘fixed’ kind used 12 years ago to ‘justify’ the US-led attack on Iraq.”
“We saw no credible evidence of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq then; we see no credible evidence of a Russian invasion now,” reads an excerpt from the memo signed by the VIPS steering group — a coalition composed of former National Security Agency analyst William Binney, retired CIA analyst Ray McGovern, retired US Army Colonel Ann Wright and others — published online over the weekend and addressed to German Chancellor Angela Merkel.
Vladimir Putin’s remark about “taking Kiev in two weeks” was taken out of context and its meaning was distorted, Moscow said, adding that it’s ready to publish the president’s conversation with the European Commission head.
Moscow may reveal the full recording of the controversial phone call if European Commission president, Jose Manual Barroso, doesn’t object in the next two days, Russia's permanent representative to the EU, Vladimir Chizhov, said.
La Repubblica newspaper earlier reported that outgoing European Commission president, Jose Manual Barroso, disclosed the content of his telephone conversation with the Russian president before the EU summit, which took place in Berlin at the weekend.
According to the Italian daily, Barroso quoted Putin as saying: “If I want to, I can take Kiev in two weeks” after the issue of the presence of Russian troops in Ukraine was raised.
The EU official said that it was a “threat” by the head of the Russian state, which may be fulfilled in case of further European sanctions against Russia.
Presidential aide, Yury Ushakov, stressed that whether these words concerning Russian troops taking Kiev were pronounced by Putin or not, “this quote was taken out of context and had a very different meaning.”
Ushakov slammed Barroso for even sharing the details of a high-level phone call, saying that the EU Commission president’s behavior is “incorrect and goes beyond the bounds of diplomatic practices.”
“If that was really done, it is not worthy of a serious political figure,” he added.
Uporabnik Pac_Man pravi:
More than 100 Russian soldiers were killed in eastern Ukraine in a single battle this month while helping pro-Russian separatists fight Ukrainian troops, two members of the Russian presidential human rights council said on Thursday, citing accounts from eyewitnesses and relatives of the dead.
Ella Polyakova and Sergei Krivenko, both members of the council - an advisory body with no legal powers and an uneasy relationship with the Kremlin - said around 300 people were wounded in the same incident on Aug. 13 near the town of Snizhnye, when a column of trucks they were driving, full of ammunition, was hit by a sustained volley of Grad missiles.
Isti spopad/napad v katerem je umrl Anton s prejšnjega članka.
Uporabnik Pac_Man pravi:
Tanki so T-72, ki jih Ukrajina ne uporablja.
All over the Ukrainian military base in Novosvetlovka. Used syringes.
Petro Poroshenko, President of Ukraine at the front of the new modernized main battle tank T-72B for the Ukrainian National Guard.