Migranti so že (spet) v Sloveniji - 4. del


22. sep 2011
Obišči stran
Sem že pred časom napisal, pa ne samo jaz. To blesavo ujčkanje islamistov, migrantov in ostalih podobnih opic s kulturo in pametjo nižjo od podgane, bo pripeljalo ljudi do roba in potem bo počilo... in to hudo in prav nič lepo ne bo za nobenega. Vsi ga bomo grdo nahebali zaradi neke blesave politike odprte in do opic tolerantne Evrope. Kaj nam je res treba tega?


22. sep 2011
Obišči stran
Lani je v Nemčiji mreža nevladnih organizacij CLAIM, ki spremlja sovraštvo do muslimanov

Pa kaj se to grejo? Kje pa so nevladne organizacije, ki bi spremljale sovraštvo muslimanov do državljanov in države gostiteljice?

"Protimuslimanski rasizem ni bil nikoli tako družbeno sprejemljiv kot danes in prihaja iz sredine družbe

Kaj pa je to? Protimuslimanski rasizem? Kakšen rasizem? Zakaj se tako zelo trudijo odpor do nečloveške, morilske in teroristične religije, prikazati, kot rasizem, kot nekaj negativnega? Ljudje enostavno nočemo verskih fanatikov okoli sebe. Kaj je tu spornega?


22. jul 2007
Ce bi desna stran imela za sabo milijarderje, kot jih ima leva (soros&Co.), bi evropa ze bila ociscena), tudi pri nas ne bi razne -od omenjenih placane- skupine jebale nikogar...
  • Haha
Reactions: jonny77 in jest5


10. feb 2008
Raste število protiislamističnih incidentov, proti ilegalnim priseljencem, ...

Nekaj mora biti tu. Nekaj mora biti zadaj, nekaj mora biti vzrok.
Reakcija na njihovo - došiljaci - obnašanje in tistih, ki so izvoljeni, da delajo za nas.


6. sep 2007
How it started:

Desirée Mariottini killing: Migrants held in Italy over girl's death​

On October 19, 2018, in Rome, in the San Lorenzo district, the body of a girl of only 16 years old was found in a abandoned building located in Via dei Lucani 22. It was Desirée Mariottini. Cardiorespiratory insufficiency was the cause of death following after taking a lethal mix of drugs. The autopsy then reveals that Desirée was also the victim of rape. The investigation led to the immediate arrest of four men, all immigrants, identified as responsible for the death of the young woman.

How it's going:

Reduced sentences for the murder of Desirèe, abused and left to die in an abandoned building

29.5.2024 - In the second appeal process, the sentences for three defendants involved in the tragic death of Desiree Mariottini, the sixteen-year-old from Cisterna di Latina who died on 19 October 2018 in an abandoned building in via dei Lucani in the San Lorenzo area of Rome, were reduced .In the reasons for the referral sentence, the Court of Cassation stated that the death of the minor came after a «long sequence of criminal events that developed over several hours in which the conduct relating to the administration of the narcotic substances ingested by the victim since the morning of that day , which caused her to overdose, were connected with the conduct relating to the failure to activate the subjects present in the 'crack room', where the minor was left dying on a bed without being helped" .


7. feb 2010
Takorekoč vse, kar prihaja iz Severne Afrike, beži pred roko pravice.
Moški 25-35 let, primerno prehranjeni in zdravi.

Da ne bi kdo slučajno dvomil o tem kdo so in zakaj prihajajo - delat sigurno ne.
  • Všeč mi je
Reactions: Mr_Wolf in B81


25. avg 2007
Številke sicer že rastejo, kot je običajno za poletje.

V zadnjih 24 urah je bilo obravnavanih 187 oseb zaradi nezakonitega vstopa na meji z Republiko Hrvaško, in sicer 175 na območju PU Novo mesto, 7 na območju PU Ljubljana, 3 na območju PU Koper in 2 na območju PU Maribor. Med njimi so obravnavali največ državljanov Sirije (48), Afganistana (29) in Bangladeša (21).


6. sep 2007
Kulturno bogatenje Evrope se nadaljuje:
This boy's name is Philip Chanis. Philip was only 20 years old. He was a musician and had a bright future. He was compassionate and helpful. One day, he attended his sister's graduation ceremony in Germany. After the ceremony, Philip went to a park with his girlfriend and encountered 10 Middle Eastern immigrants. The immigrants beat Philip and his girlfriend and then stabbed Philip multiple times. Philip struggled for his life in the hospital for 3 days. Philip is no longer with us.

Philipos Chanis, a 20-year-old Greek, wanted to celebrate with his little sister, who was receiving her high school diploma at Saturday night’s graduation ceremony. Unfortunately, however, the party ended in tragedy. A group of men stabbed to death the young man from Minden in a local park.
At the hospital where the young man was taken to, he fought a long battle to stay alive as he was hospitalized with severe craniocerebral injuries. His family prayed for him for three days. Yesterday, the attending doctors informed his family that the boy was brain dead.

Thousands of Germans gather in the park where 20-year-old Greek Filippos Tsanis was beaten to death by a gang of youths