Uporabnik Pac_Man pravi:
Če si na tekočem in nisi ravno član "tin-hat" brigade v Panorami ni bilo nič posebno novega.
Izjave prič so bile uprizorjene z igralci, tako da mu je treba verjet na besedo, snemat je šel na mesti spodnje slike in videa, tako da sta lokaciji brez dvoma potrjeni pa še en iz Jane's je potrdil, da poškodbe trupa izgledajo kot posledice fragmentacijske bojne glave.
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Uporabnik Pac_Man pravi:
Če si na tekočem in nisi ravno član "tin-hat" brigade v Panorami ni bilo nič posebno novega.
Izjave prič so bile uprizorjene z igralci, tako da mu je treba verjet na besedo, snemat je šel na mesti spodnje slike in videa, tako da sta lokaciji brez dvoma potrjeni pa še en iz Jane's je potrdil, da poškodbe trupa izgledajo kot posledice fragmentacijske bojne glave.
<iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Russian media reaction to MH17 report
Mikhail Khodarenok, writing in Moskovsky Komsomolets newspaper:
"It is nonsense to spend two months investigating the crash and not to be able to say what destroyed the aircraft... It seems the results they obtained do not fit the 'right' theory. That's why they are beating about the bush."
Igor Korotchenko, writing in the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper:
"We have got no closer to knowing who downed the aircraft and with what missile. The only conclusion we can draw is that Ukraine is hiding the traces and preventing an objective inquiry... The answer is clear: the evidence shows what actually happened to the airliner, and it looks like Ukraine is to blame."
Tole je IMO neumna izjava Rusa, saj v poročilu piše:Citat:
Uporabnik AndY1 pravi:
Kot je rekel englishman. Poročil je ogromno in par od njih nakazuje tudi na 30mm topove. Če že gledaš celoto, ne moreš reči, da verjameš enim poročilom, drugim pa ne. Vse je možno, dokler preiskava ne bo dokončna.
Drugače pa:
Russian media reaction to MH17 report
Mikhail Khodarenok, writing in Moskovsky Komsomolets newspaper:
"It is nonsense to spend two months investigating the crash and not to be able to say what destroyed the aircraft... It seems the results they obtained do not fit the 'right' theory. That's why they are beating about the bush."
Igor Korotchenko, writing in the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper:
"We have got no closer to knowing who downed the aircraft and with what missile. The only conclusion we can draw is that Ukraine is hiding the traces and preventing an objective inquiry... The answer is clear: the evidence shows what actually happened to the airliner, and it looks like Ukraine is to blame."