Kokr vem ni nujno, da greš na tisti easybus za katerega imaš karto. Vsaj pri meni je bilo tako. Smo bili s kolegi v Londonu in smo imeli še dobre pol ure do prihoda našega easybusa in nas je voznik spustil kar na unega prej. Če je le plac, te spustijo. Tole je citirano z njihove strani:
"Don't worry, if your Stansted flight arrives early or late, you may use the same ticket at no extra cost to travel on the next available Stansted bus, up to 60 minutes either side of your booked time. Please note we cannot always guarantee there will be spare coach seats, especially at busy times since passengers travelling on their booked service have their seats guaranteed and will be boarded first"
Drugač pa definitivno online nakup kart. Za hostel pa priporočam tole stran
http://www.hostelworld.com/ . Se splača mal ratinge pa review-e prečekirat