Zanimiv članek, tnx
Tole je pa tist ta zoprn del...
And what is going to happen? The situation cannot continue any more than could the match-sellers of old. In the past, wars and the war effort probably did as much as anything to change the lives of many itinerants. Now it is likely, I think, to be pressure to move on, out of Italy, and into Germany, Britain and the northern-European well-off nations. That pressure is going to have to blow at some point, possibly accompanied by a certain amount of violence.
Meanwhile, Italian government ministers occasionally make noises about how they are going to ensure that all these people get sent home, which is ridiculous, that would be a major undertaking beset by all manner of difficulties, not least the great diversity of countries that the immigrants emanate from.
And the other countries of Europe, especially Britain where the anti-immigration protagonists are particularly vocal, seem to be unaware of the issue. I suppose that none of the shouters and huffers has seen the extent of the influx. But it is going to effect them sooner or later, it’s bound to, and when it does I shall say to them, I’ll say, don’t you come crying to me, it was you that ignored what was staring you in the face for so long.
In pa zaključek povsem na mestu:
Personally, I would say that the sooner that many of the immigrants can get assimilated and working in whichever part of Europe that work can be found for them, the better. Many are desperate to find work and to help support their families back home. I know that will cause a lot of people to huff and puff, but a lot of huffing now is better than a lot of trouble later.
Problem je samo v tem, da zaenkrat izkušnje kažejo, da se zaposli zelo majhen procent migrantov in da jim tudi sama asimilacija ne diši kaj preveč.