Information is prepared in line with Lithuanian Law on Deposit and Liabilities to Investors Insurance (the Law). IIMPORTANT THINGS TO KNOW ABOUT DEPOSIT INSURANCE (Please download the PDF file) I General information about insurance of deposits II Object of insurance Please note, that state...
Revolut terms and policies
Ja, dokler obstaja evro in ECB to ne bo problem. Ampak če bi evro razpadel, bi pa Litva to morala izplačati v litasih, kar bi glede na velikost Revoluta čisto sesulo njihovo valuto, ko bi jo potem vsi varčevalci hoteli hitro pretvoriti v svojo domačo valuto.
Ampak ko bomo prišli do te faze, bo to še najmanjši problem.
Aha, pa še tole imajo napisano:
Please note, that state company „Indėlių ir investicijų draudimas“ is not authorized to interpret laws, therefore information provided is only an opinion of no legal consequences. Please also note, that Lithuanian courts or institutions applying legal acts can interpret them differently than above. In the event of a dispute final situation appraisal can be done by courts of Republic of Lithuania with respect to existing understanding of contents of legal acts.
Tudi na moji hranilni knjižici je nekoč pisalo, da za vloge jamči Federacija. Pa je nekako crknila skupaj z jamstvom in je potem pač Slovenija sčasoma poplačala to, da je povrnila zaupanje ljudi v banke.