Si se fejst udaru v glavo?Daj anjcvajdrajs back ...
Si se fejst udaru v glavo?
Mimogrede: odkar se je enormno povečalo twiter limanje sem se odpiranje nenormalno upočasnjuje, da ne omenjam "hitrosti" odgovorov - po par 10 sekund traja!A lahko pričakujem da bo MaverickT ukrepal?
Še to: "označi forume kot prebrane" - 20-30 sekund, da "prime". Včasih je bilo to "just in time".
V soboto sem spet dobil glavobol in vročino, no temp. 37.0 in to cele pol ure. Nedelja, ponedeljek ok brez vrocine glavobol ostaja.
Danes spet temp. 37.0 glavobol tešim z iboprofenom 400.
Pokasljujem vedno manj, hraklov tistih pravih rumenih ni, so samo beli.
Peče po sapniku ko kašljam.
Danes sem še okus izgubil.
Če se več ne javim, sem mrtev.
Ni šanse. Jebe samo mene. Korona ve kdo je najstarejši v familiji jn se je spravila na meneRacimo promer tega mladca jhonny77, je opcija da tole krozi znotraj familije ? En teden soncek drug teden jedina potem on in spet jovo na novo?
Tole se mi bere kot da je napisano za našega revčka.Se najbolj sodi v ta podforum....
Imagine you were born in 1900.
When you're 14
World War I begins
and ends at 18 years old
with 22 million dead.
Shortly after, a global pandemic
Flu called 'Spanish' ",
kills 50 million people.
You come out alive and free
You are 20 years old.
Then, at 29, you survive the global economic crisis that started with the collapse of the New York Stock Exchange, causing Inflation, Unemployment, and Hunger.
At 33, the nazis come to power.
You turn 39 when World War II starts and ends at 45 During the Holocaust (Holocaust), 6 million Jews die.
There will be over 60 million deaths in total.
When you're 52, the Korean War begins.
At age 64, the Vietnam War begins and ends at age 75
A boy born in 1985 thinks his grandparents have no idea how difficult life is, but they have survived several wars and disasters.
A boy born in 1995 and now 25 years old thinks it's the end of the world when his Amazon package takes over three days to arrive or when he doesn't get more than 15 likes for her photo posted on Facebook or Instagram. ....
In 2020, many of us live comfortably, have access to different sources of home entertainment, and often have more than we need.
But people complain about everything.
However, they have electricity, phone, food, hot water, and a roof over their heads.
None of this existed before.
But mankind survived far more disastrous circumstances and never lost the joy of living.
Maybe it's time to be less self-escaped, stop complaining, and stop crying.
nimam proti nikomur nič, razumem sočutje in vse, delam z bolnimi, že dolgo, ampak tukaj se mi je postavilo vprašanje, do kdaj se pričakuje med vami laiki , da naj bi človek živel kvalitetno življenje? ker vsak dan srečujem ljudi, ki bi svojo 91 let staro babico priklapljali na vse možne aparate, ki jih v bolnici imamo, grozijo z tožbami, a se danes res nihče več ne vpraša, kaj bi si pa ti ljudje sami želeli pri svojih 91 letih? se mi zdi, da vsi isto, govorim iz izkušenj, umreti brez trpljenja
Tebe bi pa uvrstil, glede na tvoj odnos, med tiste doktorje, ki so tahudo kri puščal in bli superduper prepričani, da je to pomagal....Se najbolj sodi v ta podforum....
Imagine you were born in 1900.
When you're 14
World War I begins
and ends at 18 years old
with 22 million dead.
Shortly after, a global pandemic
Flu called 'Spanish' ",
kills 50 million people.
You come out alive and free
You are 20 years old.
Then, at 29, you survive the global economic crisis that started with the collapse of the New York Stock Exchange, causing Inflation, Unemployment, and Hunger.
At 33, the nazis come to power.
You turn 39 when World War II starts and ends at 45 During the Holocaust (Holocaust), 6 million Jews die.
There will be over 60 million deaths in total.
When you're 52, the Korean War begins.
At age 64, the Vietnam War begins and ends at age 75
A boy born in 1985 thinks his grandparents have no idea how difficult life is, but they have survived several wars and disasters.
A boy born in 1995 and now 25 years old thinks it's the end of the world when his Amazon package takes over three days to arrive or when he doesn't get more than 15 likes for her photo posted on Facebook or Instagram. ....
In 2020, many of us live comfortably, have access to different sources of home entertainment, and often have more than we need.
But people complain about everything.
However, they have electricity, phone, food, hot water, and a roof over their heads.
None of this existed before.
But mankind survived far more disastrous circumstances and never lost the joy of living.
Maybe it's time to be less self-escaped, stop complaining, and stop crying.
Moje sožalje.Evo, za v soboto še ena starostnica 94 let za statistiko umrlih s korono. Ta nori svet je zapustila moja babica. Prišla bi domov iz bolnice, ampak so jo spodi okužili s korono in je morala ostati še 2 tedna, med tem ni kazala simptomov covida-19, vročine, karkoli, bila stabilna, so jo premestili 60km v drugo ustanovo, kjer so imeli covid oddelek in tam po drugem dnevu nazaj v bolnišnico, ker je "potrebovala kisik". V bolnici povedali, da je odšla v takem stanju, da ni potrebe po kisiku, skratka 120km nepotrebne vožnje, ki jo je pomoje dodatno zdelalo. Staknila bakterijo v bolnici, v soboto za večno zaspala v okolju tujih ljudi. Dostopa nisem imel sploh, da bi jo videl, se poslovil.
Tolko govora o številkah in umrlih itd.. kaj se tu dogaja v bolnicah.. ko bo enkrat zadeva znormalizirana, bom se šel poglabljat, kaj se je z mojo babico dogajalo, ker to pač ni človeško. Nej se jebejo medicinci, če še pri najbolj ranljivih skupinah ne uspejo nosit mask, rokavic, se pazit.
Sicer verjetno ne bom nič uspel, ker niti babica ne bi želela, da se v to spuščam. Samo da počiva v miru in je odrešena te norije, v kateri živimo.
ps: hvala vsem za prijazne besede, za ostale se mi pa, as always, faka.