Izrael - Palestina


6. sep 2007
kakšna je razlika med podpornikom hamasa in hamasovcem? :sprasujemse:
Prvi je lačen, drugi pa sit?

Hamas caught on video stealing dozens of humanitarian aid trucks entering Gaza Strip​

Hamas terrorists were captured on video taking control of 47 of 100 aid trucks entering the Gaza Strip on Tuesday. “It’s no secret that Hamas takes control of humanitarian aid. We’ve already published here tapes of Hamas, in which you hear them say themselves they have no more room in their warehouses,” Channel 12‘s Almog Boker reported on Wednesday evening.
The footage shows Hamas first taking over the trucks, including attacking the drivers. Then the trucks are driven through Rafah with armed terrorists riding on them. If any citizen approaches the trucks, they are immediately fired upon
Humanitarian aid, meant to prevent starvation among Gazans, has instead become a lifeline for Hamas and its continued control of the Strip. “Control over humanitarian aid is control over the citizens. Hamas and [its leader Yahya] Sinwar exercise almost absolute control over what happens with humanitarian aid, and this is how they control the population. In a report in mid-September, Boker noted that Hamas resells the aid to the population to finance recruitment, with 3,000 terrorists having been added to Hamas’s payroll in northern Gaza.


23. sep 2007
Prvi je lačen, drugi pa sit?

Hamas caught on video stealing dozens of humanitarian aid trucks entering Gaza Strip​

Ja, tko deluje na zalost izraelski PR. Te posnetki so stari in so tud ze analizirani, da gre zgolj za varovanje konvoja, tud noben od teh na sliki nima orozja.
  • Haha
Reactions: XXXL in Garfildd


6. sep 2007
Ja, tko deluje na zalost izraelski PR. Te posnetki so stari in so tud ze analizirani, da gre zgolj za varovanje konvoja, tud noben od teh na sliki nima orozja.
Točno ti posnetki? Možno je ja ampak ob dejstvu, da se te konvoje s pomočjo redno pošilja in redno nadzpruje je povsem izvedljivo tudi, da je vse navedeeno resnično. Lahko morda nalepiš kakšen link do točno teh posnetkov a s starejšim datumom, kar bi dokazovalo zavajanje teh novic? Demantiranje fake newsa s konkretnimi oz. podkrepljenimi argumenti (mi) je vedno zaželjeno.