Covid-19 Ivermectin


9. maj 2012
Singapur ima maske od začetka, cepljenih +85%, samo c od pct...
A še vedno ni videti tistega efekta, ki bi že zdavnaj moral biti.
Samo zate.. v Singapurju cepiva ocitno delujejo zelo dobro.


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6. sep 2007

Še bolje se nadaljuje

Iz tuje literature

On Thursday, the prestigious medical journal Nature Medicine published an article authored by concerned epidemiologists and researchers who interrogated studies on ivermectin.

“Many hundreds of thousands of patients have been dosed with ivermectin, relying on an evidence base that has substantially evaporated under close scrutiny,” the authors wrote.

“Several … studies that claim a clinical benefit for ivermectin are similarly fraught, and contain impossible numbers in their results, unexplainable mismatches between trial registry updates and published patient demographics, purported timelines that are not consistent with the veracity of the data collection, and substantial methodological weaknesses.”

Gideon Meyerowitz-Katz, an epidemiologist with the University of Wollongong in New South Wales and a co-author of the Nature Medicine article, says he and his peers scrutinised more than a dozen studies that claim ivermectin is beneficial either as a preventive or treatment for Covid-19.

“Of those studies, we have serious concerns about four that have been made public, and several more which we are still investigating,” he says.

Some of the authors have failed to share data from their research, which Meyerowitz-Katz says “at this point is a very worrying sign”.

“There has only been one retraction so far, but I suspect more are coming,” he says.

When asked why researchers would make so many mistakes or worse, deliberately mislead, misrepresent and falsify data, he says: “The real question is why none of the groups promoting ivermectin as a mass treatment for Covid-19 did their basic due diligence, because much of the fraud is really not that hard to identify.”

Očitno je večino študij na stopnji debate na Alterju.


18. avg 2007

Oh andy, andy... :valjamse: :valjamse:
V začetku tega leta je bila umaknjena pomembna študija, ki podpira ivermektin za zdravljenje covida-19, potem ko je bilo ugotovljeno, da so bili podatki ponarejeni in da bolniki, ki zajema, ne obstajajo, še poroča Guardian.
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2. mar 2010
Prosim, da se tovrstne lažne novice začne brisati oz. se prepove objavljanje.

Virus naj bi mutiral v pozabo pravijo znanstveniki:

Ker je stran za paywalom dam snapshot iz

V čudeže ne verjamem

John tu predebatira par možnih scenarijev, od ivm , do mutacije a394v nsp14, ki se nahaja v orf1ab delu (iskanje po strani za "a394v" najde 7 zadetkov), posledično nas bi se virus sam eliminiral // kar pa ne upošteva, da bi lahko svežo dobro kopijo virusa lahko vsak dan prinesel nekdo od zunaj,

do enega gena, ki ga imajo pretežno azijci z imenom "apobec3a", ki napada rnk viruse,

glede prevoda , namesto g translate sem skopiral besedillo v (jp -> en(us) )
"outlet" tam postane "consent"

g translate
The antiparasitic drug "ivermectin" shows the number of infections and deaths of the new corona in a country that is prophylactically administered for another disease in Africa. It is necessary to thoroughly study the clinical trial, but it seems that we are at the stage where it is okay to have the patient give an informed outlet and get permission to use it. "
 With regard to the anti-parasitic drug ivermectin, he showed the number of new coronary infections and deaths in countries in Africa where the drug is administered prophylactically for other diseases, and said, "I think it is rather unlikely that the drug does not work at all. I think we are at the stage where we can ask for permission to use the drug after giving informed consent to the patients, although we need to conduct a thorough clinical trial and study it.

Spodaj v komentarjih so dobra vprašanja

Can someone explain to me a) how a variant, that is no more infectious than Delta but contains a deleterious mutation, can displace Delta over a period of time and then, at the same time self destruct, or b) how a deleterious mutation can spring up all over the country at the same time before self-destructing? It just doesn't make sense.

For starters, b) would be impossible. That leaves a) which sounds implausible given natural selection. Are we sure Kent Hoven isn't a coauthor? ;)

I agree. It' doesn't make sense in an evolutionary, population genetic nor population dynamic persepectives. It could be possible that an variant that spreads faster and is less virulent takes over and reduce the danger of the pandemic. But there is nothing showing that something like that have happened. It have been the other way the delta variant is spreading faster and is more virulent due to the same mechanic that it's better to enter human cells.

Tole naj bi pisal en Japonec
I lived in Japan and have many friends all over the country. So here is what I know from trustworthy sources. Tokyo had by far the hardest measures, but never a real lockdown. Other cities such as Nagoya had nearly no measures, just canceled bigger evens for example. Most measures were never enforced by the state or prefectures but suggestions from the government, so some nightclubs and such (mostly run by yakuza) didn't close at all. Restaurants never closed, although far fewer people went out to eat during a long period. Mask wearing was before and is still a thing, and at the moment and probably for a long time close to 100% of people are wearing masks in public and at work. In clubs and in Izakayas (Bars) they are mostly not. This, a friend of mine said, seems to have become the new normal. Also Japan until a week ago completely shut off from travel and immigration. It has to be said that the Japanese are generally very concerned with cleanliness and are generally very healthy. Obesity is extremely rare.

Kot dobro vprašanje, kaj vse se je spremenilo tega 13.8 2021
@may may, so you think their behavior was different before August 13th and then Japanese became suddenly the clean, disciplined people that we always thought they were? What happened in August 2021?

Soseda Južna Koreja ima podobno stopnjo precepljenosti in krivulja nikakor ni podobna japonski.
Medtem ko za indijske zvezne države to velja (27% polno cepljenih).

Tako da nekega zanesljivega in nedvoumnega odgovora še nimam, kaj je razlog za jp "čudež".Da bi se c19 nenadoma samouničil je zelo malo verjetno.
In to samo v posameznih državah.
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3. sep 2007
kod Džej-Zija
Ker je stran za paywalom dam snapshot iz

V čudeže ne verjamem

John tu predebatira par možnih scenarijev, od ivm , do mutacije a394v nsp14, ki se nahaja v orf1ab delu (iskanje po strani za "a394v" najde 7 zadetkov), posledično nas bi se virus sam eliminiral // kar pa ne upošteva, da bi lahko svežo dobro kopijo virusa lahko vsak dan prinesel nekdo od zunaj,

do enega gena, ki ga imajo pretežno azijci z imenom "apobec3a", ki napada rnk viruse,

glede prevoda , namesto g translate sem skopiral besedillo v (jp -> en(us) )
"outlet" tam postane "consent"

g translate

Spodaj v komentarjih so dobra vprašanja

Can someone explain to me a) how a variant, that is no more infectious than Delta but contains a deleterious mutation, can displace Delta over a period of time and then, at the same time self destruct, or b) how a deleterious mutation can spring up all over the country at the same time before self-destructing? It just doesn't make sense.

For starters, b) would be impossible. That leaves a) which sounds implausible given natural selection. Are we sure Kent Hoven isn't a coauthor? ;)

I agree. It' doesn't make sense in an evolutionary, population genetic nor population dynamic persepectives. It could be possible that an variant that spreads faster and is less virulent takes over and reduce the danger of the pandemic. But there is nothing showing that something like that have happened. It have been the other way the delta variant is spreading faster and is more virulent due to the same mechanic that it's better to enter human cells.

Tole naj bi pisal en Japonec

Kot dobro vprašanje, kaj vse se je spremenilo tega 13.8 2021

Soseda Južna Koreja ima podobno stopnjo precepljenosti in krivulja nikakor ni podobna japonski.
Medtem ko za indijske zvezne države to velja (27% polno cepljenih).

Tako da nekega zanesljivega in nedvoumnega odgovora še nimam, kaj je razlog za jp "čudež".Da bi se c19 nenadoma samouničil je zelo malo verjetno.
In to samo v posameznih državah.
Ker ti si kao referenca za covid, da bi bil sposoben najti razlog za japonski čudež? :valjamse:


3. sep 2007
Še dobro, da bodo fda raw podatki o Pfizer študiji do konca znani čez 55 let (2076).

To vliva zaupanje in pomirja, sploh ko več, da imaš opravka s tvrdko Pfizer.

Kot tudi leakane pogodbe cepiv so samo češnja na torti.
tebi tudi če jutri povejo vse, ti nič ne pomaga, ker si ausglajzal.:)
ker toliko :bruh: kot jih ti sprevedeš in jim verjameš, ti nibeni podatki ne pomagajo.


2. mar 2010
Surfanje po komentarjih, je privedlo do

kjer v komentarjih avtor dolgega videa (80 min) odgovarja na vprašanja:
Q: Danilo Desnica
I understood the gist of Dr.Campbell's presentation was to point out that Pfizer's new drug (PF-07321332) acts as a 3CL Protease inhibitor, and while Ivermectin has a number of antiviral mechanisms at it's disposal, as far as the 3CL protease inhibition is concerned, "the modality of action is the same." I tried to understand your contra-argument, but couldn't quite work out whether you were arguing that Ivermectin doesn't act as a 3CL protease inhibitor, or whether you were saying that it doesn't inhibit as much as the Pfizer drug. Could you please clarify which you meant to say?

A: GTK Bioinformatics
Hi Danilo! First of all, thank you for taking 80 minutes out of your life. I realise I don't match his presentation style and clarity; something to work on. (I'm going to try to make a shorter version with just the highlights, but I intentionally decided to make this one long so that I could not be accused of taking anything out of context.)

Regarding your first question: the evidence for ivermectin inhibiting the 3CL protease is that it does so (at 80% inhibition) when at a concentration of 50 micromolar in a biochemical assay. That's the third paper Dr. Campbell presented. In order to do the same thing in the body as it does in the lab, the first thing ivermectin needs to do is get to 50 micromolar concentration in the body. But the problem is this: no matter how much ivermectin a person takes (tested up to 8.5x the FDA approved dose), the highest concentration of available ivermectin in the blood is about 0.02 micromolar. So even if it is a 3CL protease inhibitor in a test tube, it can't function as a 3CL protease inhibitor in the body.

Ter nato še vsaj 1x
Q: Eliyahu Konn
14 minutes in you explain the most known use of ivermectin and it's action as anti-parasitic. Wondering if you understand at this point the possibility of also being anti-viral. Still listening.

A: GTK Bioinformatics
If you are still listening, I do get to that (although I admit this video is a bit of a slow burn). The two antiviral mechanisms that have been proposed in the literature are (i) the original in vitro experiment, which was proposed to target α/β-mediated importin (at 2 micromolar concentration) and (ii) the 3CL protease that Campbell touts (at 20-50 micromolar concentration). To the extent that there is any data on either of these, it is in vitro biochemical data. To work in the body, ivermectin would have to reach at least those concentration levels, in the blood or in lung cells. The highest concentration of ivermectin ever achieved in plasma is ~ 0.02 micromolar, far less than required. And that required 8.5 times the approved FDA dosage. Ivermectin doesn't really distribute in the human body. It stays in the gut, which makes it great for intestinal parasites.


2. mar 2010
Še dobro, da bodo fda raw podatki o Pfizer študiji do konca znani čez 55 let (2076).

To vliva zaupanje in pomirja, sploh ko več, da imaš opravka s tvrdko Pfizer.

Kot tudi leakane pogodbe cepiv so samo češnja na torti.

Pfizer studije "friziranje"​

If you are having trouble tracking deaths in the Pfizer study, this may help...


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3. sep 2007
kod Džej-Zija
Surfanje po komentarjih, je privedlo do

kjer v komentarjih avtor dolgega videa (80 min) odgovarja na vprašanja:
Q: Danilo Desnica

A: GTK Bioinformatics

Ter nato še vsaj 1x
Q: Eliyahu Konn

A: GTK Bioinformatics
:cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
S tem Q&A si si lepo odgovoril, zakaj ivermektin NE deluje. V laboratoriju njegova antiviralna funkcija deluje, ker so lahko dosegli ogromne koncentracije. Na ljudeh teh koncentracij niso mogli doseči ne glede na vneseno količino ivermektina. V dejanskih telesih so bile ob 8,5x preseženi maksimalni dozi, odobreni s strani FDA, najvišje dosežene koncetracije 2500x nižje od tiste laboratorijske, ki je dejansko delovala antiviralno.

Nauk: ne moreš požreti toliko ivermektina in preživeti, da bi ta deloval antiviralno na covid infekcijo.

Hvala za to potrditev. :zmaga: