Res me zanima kakšen je rezultat bend testa na preostalih mobilnikih. Dvomim, da ima iphone 6 edini tole "pomanjkljivost".
Če se pa upogne dejansko v žepu, potem je pa fail.
Če se pa upogne dejansko v žepu, potem je pa fail.
Construction of the Infinite Loop campus was completed in 1993 by Sobrato Development Cos.[3] Prior to 1997, activity on the campus was restricted to Research and Development activities, and each building was referred to as R&D 1 through R&D 6. Shortly after the return of Steve Jobs to Apple when Apple consolidated the number of buildings it occupied, many non-R&D related functions moved to the campus, so the Research and Development name was dropped, and the buildings were renamed IL 1 through IL 6. The local BJ's Restaurant & Brewery, just off campus, is often jokingly referred to as "IL 7".
Še eden, ki je 'znanstveno' pristopil k uničevanju te skoraj jurja vredne igračke:Citat:
Uporabnik futuristic pravi:
Uporabnik philips pravi:
Zgleda da bodo težave z zvijanjem telefonov še večje. Novi telefoni so namreč večji in tanjši![]()
Ni ga čez znanstven pristop:![]()