Tole je čista novinarska raca. Nobenga postopka še ni, samo spletni portali drug drugega povzemajo in vsak še nakaj svojega (izmišljenega) doda.Citat:
Uporabnik kontrakarambolmatica pravi:
Apple je komajda predstavil iPhone 5, pa se je že znašel v pravnih težavah. Podjetji Samsung in HTC sta namreč pričeli postopek proti njemu, saj mobilnik uporablja tehnologijo za povezovanje LTE. Samsung je že pred nekaj dnevi napovedal, da bo tožil Apple, če namerava uporabljati LTE in zahtevati prepoved prodaje v ZDA in evropskih državah.
Standard LTE za hitre prenose podatkov temelji na številnih patentih, izmed katerih si jih nekaj lastita Samsung in HTC. Podjetje HTC želi doseči prepoved prodaje telefonov iPhone 4G in iPhone 5 in je primer že predalo Mednarodni komisiji za trgovino. Verjetno se sodni mlini ne bodo zavrteli tako hitro, da bi preprečili za 21. september napovedani pričetek prodaje, vendar je videti, da bo tokrat Apple izkusil nekaj svojega 'zdravila'.
Vir , če je pa resnično pa ne vem...............
Izvorni članek je pa tale:
Samsung Electronics will sue Apple over its release of the iPhone 5 for infringing on its fourth-generation (4G) long-term evolution (LTE) connectivity patents, according to industry sources , Monday.
Torej po govoricah sodeč obstaja verjetnost, da se bo to zgodilo, ampak se še ni; v nasprotju s pisanjem v naših rumeni-tisk medijih.
Še dva novejša članka:
When asked by reporters of the likelihood that the iPhone 5 will be violating one or more of Samsung’s patents if it features fourth generation LTE, he nodded in consent, but added: “We are cautious of LTE patents. Considering the relationship between the finished-goods market and component industry, it is hard to do as we please.”
The Monday edition of The Korea Times was the first to report that Samsung would sue Apple over its LTE patents.
He added “We are not worrying much about the iPhone 5. We are focusing on making our products well.”
The KIPO study showed that Apple, which did not own any LTE standard patents in 2011, has recently built up a collection of around 420 LTE patents, including those owned by patent enforcement firm Rockstar Bidco, in which Apple holds a majority stake.
Furthermore, Samsung is likely to face patent exhaustion issues, as it is in licensing agreements with companies such as Qualcomm Inc. that supply chips to Apple.
Market watchers also note that lodging a fight with LTE standard patents may be a futile attempt.
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