Kakšen rok uporabe pa ima ta Prime za 30 centov? Za tako ceno še obično vodo težko dobiš.
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Ma se tud najde kaj
For context:
These two gentlemen and their 5yo cousin (nephew ((it changes in the story)) were going around harassing people in public in this mall asking them "What is your most traumatic experience?" The one with the cap on, his girlfriend was cornered by them and told them about it and they just made some remark about it being nothing which set the girlfriend off. She then contacted the boyfriend and told him what happened. After the punch the bf and gf left the area and forgot about it but the streamer and gang followed him into a game shop. The streamer starts to chimp out and started throwing shit at the boyfriend while (someone else) called police. There are two sides to the story but both sides say the bf didnt get in trouble he just got a warning. He knew that if the streamer wanted to press charges the streamer would also be in serious trouble too. Both groups were told to leave but last i heard the streamer is in talks with the police on an unrelated matter.
ker neumen članek, res kisle kumarice. Upam ca crknejo čim prej.Dajem sem....ker smo se tukaj menili o!
Neverjetni preobrat: Mercator je pojasnil, zakaj Prime danes stane vsega 0,3 evra, odgovor vas bo presenetil ...
Kako to, da je pijača, za katero je bilo lani treba odšteti skoraj 6 evrov, danes na voljo za nekaj deset centov?vecer.com