- Maintaining the spectacle – the 2026 Power Unit will have similar performance to the current designs, utilising high-power, high-revving V6 internal combustion engines and avoiding excessive performance differentiation to allow for improved raceability.
- Environmental sustainability – the 2026 Power Unit will include an increase in the deployment of electrical power to up to 50% and utilise a 100% sustainable fuel.
- Financial Sustainability – Financial Regulations regarding the Power Units will reduce the overall costs for competitors whilst retaining the cutting-edge technological showcase that is at the core of Formula 1.
- Attractive to new Power Unit Manufacturers – the regulations are intended to make it possible and attractive for newcomers to join the sport at a competitive level.
2023 Formula 1 Technical Regulations
- The floor edges will be raised by 15mm.
- The Diffuser throat height will be raised, while care has been taken to avoid any impact on the teams’ designs of the mechanical components.
- The diffuser edge stiffness will be increased.
- An additional sensor will be mandated to monitor the phenomenon more effectively.
Engine freeze. Aero bo ostal isti (kjer je newey kralj). Bomo pa vidl kok bo ta limit na wind tunnel imel kaj vpliva. Ampak glede na to, da imajo Neweya, mislm da ne kej prevečKaj se spremeni 26, dohc, da samo do takrat računaš na rbr?
Pač letos je rbr pošteno dvakrat nategnil FIA/ostale tekmece. Prvič da so izsilil engine freeze potem pa čez pol leta objavl da bo Honda ostala v F1.
Drugič pa s cost capom.
in to:They state that “a manufacturer may apply to the FIA during the course of the homologation period to conduct modifications to the homologated power unit elements for the sole purposes of reliability, safety, cost saving, or minimal incidental changes permitted in [Article] 5.4.”
If a manufacturer has a specific reliability issue it has to follow a complicated process in order to be allowed to modify the part with the full permission of the FIA.
Če ne bi FIA delala za BLM-ja, bi Max zmagal za 50 pik, ti bi lažje prebolel, mi pa ne bi rabili brat tvojega neskončnega jokanja po forumu......l.
Ne, gledat sem začel občasno 1999, preden si je Šumi zlomil nogo. Samo iskal sem podoben primer na googlu kot je bil lani na zadnji dirki in ga nisem našel.Kako prvi, kaj pa prost vs senna?
aja, samo od 95 gledas f1![]()
Seveda, tako razmišljajo MALINOVCI in ti si poleg darjana. Če napišeš malo iz zgodovine in kako je bilo pred F1 novo ero in še iz časov Šumija, to je po tvoje jokanje? Potem bi stare navijače iz časa Šumija poslal v tri krasne. Vedno se spodbijeta na blm in Mercedesom, kak bi se kaj v stari časih, Šumi in Ferrari era. Povej mi, kje sem se zmotil kar sem napisal. Lahko kamot debate naredimo. Prej so pomagali Hamiltonu, od lani pa MaxuČe ne bi FIA delala za BLM-ja, bi Max zmagal za 50 pik, ti bi lažje prebolel, mi pa ne bi rabili brat tvojega neskončnega jokanja po forumu...