Darwin award 1st place for '12


16. feb 2011
"Svašta [cenzura] rodi, samo para neče" (Vuk Karadžič)

Jah nč, Očitno je še vedno raje črn, kot zelen, če se je dva dni žajfal z dratpiršno + pomoč domačih.


PDA maher
19. jan 2012
To se lahko vsakemu zgodi, ki si ne prebere etikete ali pa zaupaš prodajalcu, ker si misliš, da ti je dal barvo za kožo.

Samo mi ni jasno, kak ga ni stisnilo, ker koža mora dihat sploh med maratonom. Ta barva pa se je dobesedno impregnirala not.Zgleda si glave oz. las ni tolko porarbal, ker skozi glavo gre 90%? toplote.

he 2,000 runners at the “Challenge for Peace” who race through Rio de Janeiro often run in costume. Paulo Henrique dos Santos had a simple idea for his: douse himself in green paint and race as the Incredible Hulk.

So the 35-year-old dos Santos, a swimming pool cleaner by day and a funk singer by night, bought himself two buckets of body paint for $9 each.

At least, that’s what he thought.

After running Sunday’s race, dos Santos hopped in the shower and found, to his surprise, that the paint wouldn’t come off.

It turned out that what he really bought was an industrial paint commonly used for painting ballistic missiles and nuclear submarines, according to the London daily, The Sun.

“I wanted the same paint I used last year, when I also dressed as the Hulk for the race,” dos Santos told Brazil’s O Globo. “But they didn’t have the brand and the salesman offered me this other one. I didn’t see the problem.”

To remove the paint, dos Santos bathed himself 25 times, using progressively more aggressive cleaning agents: soap, shampoo, detergent and alcohol. His girlfriend and his neighbors helped scrub him with sponges and a toilet brush.

“I’m never going to paint myself again,” said a traumatized dos Santos, who worried the paint might ruin his chances of finding work or make him sick if he couldn’t get it off.

If what he wanted was attention, the stunt did the trick. Now known in Brazil as the “Hulk of Vila Cruzeiro,” the Rio favela where he lives, dos Santos’ body paint mishap made him a local celebrity and earned him international headlines.

“I had people all over me,” dos Santos told Brazil’s O Globlo. “Even my kids, who don’t live with me, called to comment.”

Even with the paint off, he may stay in the news for a while. Dos Santos plans to sue the paint company and the store that sold it to him, saying he told them what he wanted to use it for and tested it on his arm in front of them.

A Brazilian man has tried everything short of gamma rays to get the green body paint off his skin after he dressed as the Hulk for a charity run.

According to the Brazilian newspaper Extra, Paulo Henrique dos Santos dressed up as the angry Marvel hero for the Challenge for Peace run in Rio de Janeiro, a fitting costume for the muscular man.

But after 20 baths, he still can't get the body paint off.

"I spent hours in the bath trying to get this makeup and nothing," the 35-year-old said, in a quote roughly translated from Portuguese. "I had to ask for help from my girlfriend. The worst is that the ink has not decreased. The product is impregnated in my body. Even rubbing soap, still green." To sleep, he's had to cover the floor of his bedroom with plastic bags.

Worried that his new green exterior will hamper his jobs as a pool cleaner and DJ/singer, or worse, give him lead poisoning, he plans to sue the store and the manufacturer. He didn't say what brand of body paint he used.

"I was happy to run in my community and show the world that we have good here, and disclose my work as a singer," he said. "Now I'm very sad, not knowing what to do. I am embarrassed by this situation."

Je pa smešno to pa ja.


majski hrošč
28. jul 2007
Zakaj pa Darwinova nagrada? Pogoj za njeno prejetje je, da se osebek odstrani iz genetskega bazena. Ta se ni, normalno živi dalje.

Sicer pa bi tip počakal par tednov, pa bi barva tako ali tako sama odpadla.


16. sep 2007
Uporabnik keber pravi:
Zakaj pa Darwinova nagrada? Pogoj za njeno prejetje je, da se osebek odstrani iz genetskega bazena. Ta se ni, normalno živi dalje.
Tako da je ta topic FAIL...

Veliko toplote gre sicer skozi stopala.