Since Audi could not comply with regulations, the car company falsified VIN numbers and test protocols.
The VW subsidiary Audi has falsified for many years chassis numbers and test records for the registration of cars in South Korea, according to a report of Süddeutsche Zeitung . The manufacturer did not "cover" special regulations, so can not comply, quoted the newspaper on Monday from an internal Audi test report.
Po domače - ker audi ni bil sposoben zadostiti lokalnim regulatornim zahtevam v koreji, se je več let posluževal ponarejanja VIN številk (št. šasij) in testnih protokolov, da so lahko registrirali vozila.
The VW subsidiary Audi has falsified for many years chassis numbers and test records for the registration of cars in South Korea, according to a report of Süddeutsche Zeitung . The manufacturer did not "cover" special regulations, so can not comply, quoted the newspaper on Monday from an internal Audi test report.
Po domače - ker audi ni bil sposoben zadostiti lokalnim regulatornim zahtevam v koreji, se je več let posluževal ponarejanja VIN številk (št. šasij) in testnih protokolov, da so lahko registrirali vozila.