Uporabnik keber pravi:
Jaz sem zadnjič v Italiji gledal razpon med 1,60-1,65 €.
Tako da imamo mi še kar poceni.
Uporabnik stieber pravi:
Če bo šlo tako naprej, kmalu ne bodo prodali niti enega dizla več med osebnimi vozili...
Uporabnik Gamero pravi:
Itak ne bo nič od tega![]()
Uporabnik keber pravi:
Jaz sem zadnjič v Italiji gledal razpon med 1,60-1,65 €.
In May, 2008, Arjun N. Murti and other Goldman Sachs analysts issued a research report predicting oil prices are likely to rise to between $150 to $200/bbl in the next six to 24 months. This was a marked increase from Goldman Sachs' earlier (September, 2007) forecast of oil prices averaging $85/bbl through 2008, rising to $95/bbl at year end, which was in turn an increase from still-earlier predictions.
Near-term peak oil proponent Matthew Simmons predicts a rise to $300 a barrel or higher by 2013 as sweet crude petroleum becomes more scarce and major producers begin failing to meet demand.
* In US$, oil price rose from $20.37 to nearly $100, about 4.91 times more expensive;
* In the same period, the Taiwanese dollar gained value over the US dollar to make oil in Taiwan 4.53 times more expensive;
* In the same period, the Japanese Yen gained value over the US dollar to make oil in Japan 4.10 times more expensive;
* In the same period, the Euro gained value over the US dollar to make oil in the Eurozone 2.94 times more expensive.