Uporabnik KillaKHAN pravi:
Jaz pa ne razumem folka, ki si želi dnevno opravilo čimbolj zakomplicirat. Pa na pamet mi ne pade da bi si moral kremo s čopičem mešat in nanašat.
a few weeks ago, i found myself in the position of trying to explain my newfound interest in traditional wet shaving to a friend of mine. he's a thoroughly modern fellow and he uses modern shaving tools because,'s what modern guys do.
as i described the process to him, the paraphernalia, the pleasure, the item provoked the strongest reaction. he was dismayed and appalled that i took 20 minutes to shave in the morning and that's really when it hit me. when you look at the rise of technology and the death of manly rituals, inevitably the clock is to blame. we have sacrificed a whole host of pleasures on the altar of time and we are ultimately the poorer for it.
the pipe gives way to the cigarette. the ocean liner gives way to the airplane. the restaurant becomes the drive-through and the conversation becomes the text message...and all because we, as men, continue to believe that if we could just save a bit more time in our day we'd be able to really get to the things we wanted to do. ironically, in the pursuit of having enough time to do what we want we are forced to dilute or discard the very things we wanted in the first place...and so our vitality dwindles away with every tick of the relentless clock.
perhaps that is why in some sense we're all here at B&B. we want to recapture a forgotten pleasure. we want to revel in the luxury of choosing what we do with our morning routine and most of all, we want to remember the simple joy of not taking the quickest or most expedient road, but the sweet meandering path of our own curiosity.
this weekend as i was rushing through a morning shave i thought about all of this. i took a breath, and remembered that there was nothing on the agenda that couldn't wait just a few minutes more. in the moment of that realization, i became once again the master of the clock instead of its servant and my little daily ritual took on an added sweetness that hadn't been there just a moment before.
i wish for everyone here a similar moment of timeless indulgence. in the day to day flow of obligation and expectation, i encourage you to find a moment to ignore the demands of the clock and take pleasure in this mutual interest we all share. gentlemen, i wish for you all a truly excellent shave.
Uporabnik ynos pravi:
Včasih si je treba vzet čas zase. Ne mi rečt da nikol nič ne bereš na skretu?![]()
Uporabnik Matic78 pravi:
Eh škoda. To bila lahko prava ½men cave½ si predstavljate brivnico, tko par velikih LCD, i-padi namesto časopisov. Avtomat za kavo, a avtomat za stave. Debate o športu in politikiCitat:
To boš moral iti kam drugam (v JV Azijo npr., pa v kake ruske dežele), pri nam to ni dovoljeno zaradi zdravstvenih razlogov.![]()
Uporabnik guardy pravi:
Včeraj v leclercu videl od Wilkinsona osnovni komplet držala pa 5 klinc za 3,5€. Pomoje čisto soliden nakup da sprobaš, ali bo to zate![]()
Uporabnik Utisevalec pravi:
A je kdo probal DMovo večrezilno stvar? Zgleda solidna, cene britvic so pa pol manjše od renome znamk.
Uporabnik WeWatchingYou pravi:
Jaz uporabljam iz Hoferja-prince in so več kot pol cenejše od mach3, pri katerih sem dobival filing kot da bi kupoval pomnilniške kartice saj so nesramno drage, kot je utiševalec povedal za tisti piece of shit plastike.
Drugače ni tako okretna glava kot pri machu ampak se da preživet, glede ostrine pa ni razlike.
Uporabnik Bajkman pravi:
Uporabnik WeWatchingYou pravi:
Jaz uporabljam iz Hoferja-prince in so več kot pol cenejše od mach3, pri katerih sem dobival filing kot da bi kupoval pomnilniške kartice saj so nesramno drage, kot je utiševalec povedal za tisti piece of shit plastike.
Drugače ni tako okretna glava kot pri machu ampak se da preživet, glede ostrine pa ni razlike.
Uporabljaš s 3emi ali s 6imi rezili? slišal sem namreč, da je s 3emi OK, medtem ko je pri tistemu s 6imi premalo prostora vmes in se ne da čistit, s tem pa tudi več ne brije.
Uporabnik anker pravi:
Uporabnik guardy pravi:
Včeraj v leclercu videl od Wilkinsona osnovni komplet držala pa 5 klinc za 3,5€. Pomoje čisto soliden nakup da sprobaš, ali bo to zate![]()
Takega imam tudi jaz že nekaj let. Pri prvem si mi je držalo odlomilo, ker sem preveč zategnil, novejša držala pa so bolj kvalitetno narejena.
Drugače pa ko se navadiš, se hitro obriješ. Za njih sem se pa odločil, ker se ne brijem vsak dan in zato so se mi navadne klince takoj zapacale.