Uporabnik MaTejHo pravi:
Za katero od mojih trditev pa bi potreboval kakšne podatke.
Če pa že hočeš
The retreat in credit card use was the 28th decline in 29 months and brought the figure to its lowest level since September 2004.
Kje pa si potemtakem ti kakšne podatke navajal, mislim, da si ti največji papučar od vseh nas.
"Internet purchases
Debit cards may also be used on the Internet. Internet transactions may be conducted in either online or offline mode, although shops accepting online-only cards are rare in some countries (such as Sweden), while they are common in other countries (such as the Netherlands). For a comparison, PayPal offers the customer to use an online-only Maestro card if the customer enters a Dutch address of residence, but not if the same customer enters a Swedish address of residence.
Internet purchases use neither a PIN code nor a signature for identification. Transactions may be conducted in either credit or debit mode (which is sometimes, but not always, indicated on the receipt), and this has nothing to do with whether the transaction was conducted on online or offline mode, since both credit and debit transactions may be conducted in both modes."
No, tukaj mas pa debetne kartice v praksi online.
Se en dober razlog, zakaj debetne niso uporabljane za nakupe prek spleta, ker bi znala to bit slaba reklama :
"In many places, laws protect the consumer from fraud much less than with a credit card. While the holder of a credit card is legally responsible for only a minimal amount of a fraudulent transaction made with a credit card, which is often waived by the bank, the consumer may be held liable for hundreds of dollars, or even the entire value of fraudulent debit transactions. The consumer also has a shorter time (usually just two days) to report such fraud to the bank in order to be eligible for such a waiver with a debit card,[9] whereas with a credit card, this time may be up to 60 days. A thief who obtains or clones a debit card along with its PIN may be able to clean out the consumer's bank account, and the consumer will have no recourse."
Sicer pa, tudi kreditna kartica je stvar preteklosti kot identifikacija, vnesel jo bos enkrat v tvoj spletni racun (PayPal, Google), nacin nakupa pa bo z mobilnim telefonom (NFC ali placilo znotraj same aplikacije). Kvazi Moneta, toda bolj elegantno.