Covid-19 Zdravila


11. sep 2007
Zato ker sem prepričan da je tudi v teh zdravilih grozno veliko kemije, zato te sprašujem, ker ne najdem logične razlage. Bi rekel da je kemije še precej več kot v viali cepiva. In pri vseh zdravilih je pomembno da jih začneš jemat takoj po simptomih. Ko resno zboliš je prepozno. Nikoli pa ne veš ali/če boš resno zbolel. Torej je jemanje teh zdravil ekvivalentno cepljenju. Vsameš-cepiš se preden zboliš. Ko zboliš je too late. Zdaj rabimo še samo potrdilo, da je zdravilo bolj učinkovito kot cepivo (uradno ne samo po YT-bovsko). Ampak cene nekaterih pa niso prijazne našemu ZZZSju.
Nazadnje urejeno:


Osebje foruma
18. sep 2007
Zato ker sem prepričan da je tudi v teh zdravilih grozno veliko kemije, zato te sprašujem, ker ne najdem logične razlage. Bi rekel da je kemije še precej več kot v viali cepiva. In pri vseh zdravilih je pomembno da jih začneš jemat takoj po simptomih. Ko resno zboliš je prepozno. Nikoli pa ne veš ali/če boš resno zbolel. Torej je jemanje teh zdravil ekvivalentno cepljenju. Vsameš-cepiš se preden zboliš. Ko zboliš je too late.

Kako too late? Hočeš reči, da so potem vsa zdravila, ki jih je farmacija vrgla ven v zadnjih parih mesecih, kr neki? Zdravila so ravno temu namenjena, da jih vzameš, ko zboliš. Drugače ne bi imeli zdravil, kajne?

Beri od ameriškega NIH:

Originating from a single Japanese soil sample and the outcome of the innovative, international collaborative research partnership to find new antiparasitics, the extremely safe and more effective avermectin derivative, ivermectin


Discovered in the late-1970s, the pioneering drug ivermectin, a dihydro derivative of avermectin—originating solely from a single microorganism isolated at the Kitasato Intitute, Tokyo, Japan from Japanese soil—has had an immeasurably beneficial impact in improving the lives and welfare of billions of people throughout the world. Originally introduced as a veterinary drug, it kills a wide range of internal and external parasites in commercial livestock and companion animals. It was quickly discovered to be ideal in combating two of the world’s most devastating and disfiguring diseases which have plagued the world’s poor throughout the tropics for centuries. It is now being used free-of-charge as the sole tool in campaigns to eliminate both diseases globally. It has also been used to successfully overcome several other human diseases and new uses for it are continually being found. This paper looks in depth at the events surrounding ivermectin’s passage from being a huge success in Animal Health into its widespread use in humans, a development which has led many to describe it as a “wonder” drug.


There are few drugs that can seriously lay claim to the title of ‘Wonder drug’, penicillin and aspirin being two that have perhaps had greatest beneficial impact on the health and wellbeing of Mankind. But ivermectin can also be considered alongside those worthy contenders, based on its versatility, safety and the beneficial impact that it has had, and continues to have, worldwide—especially on hundreds of millions of the world’s poorest people. Several extensive reports, including reviews authored by us, have been published detailing the events behind the discovery, development and commercialization of the avermectins and ivermectin (22,23-dihydroavermectin B), as well as the donation of ivermectin and its use in combating Onchocerciasis and lymphatic filariasis.16) However, none have concentrated in detail on the interacting sequence of events involved in the passage of the drug into human use.
Ivermectin proved to be even more of a ‘Wonder drug’ in human health, improving the nutrition, general health and wellbeing of billions of people worldwide ever since it was first used to treat Onchocerciasis in humans in 1988. It proved ideal in many ways, being highly effective and broad-spectrum, safe, well tolerated and could be easily administered (a single, annual oral dose). It is used to treat a variety of internal nematode infections, including Onchocerciasis, Strongyloidiasis, Ascariasis, cutaneous larva migrans, filariases, Gnathostomiasis and Trichuriasis, as well as for oral treatment of ectoparasitic infections, such as Pediculosis (lice infestation) and scabies (mite infestation).14) Ivermectin is the essential mainstay of two global disease elimination campaigns that should soon rid the world of two of its most disfiguring and devastating diseases, Onchocerciasis and Lymphatic filariasis, which blight the lives of billions of the poor and disadvantaged throughout the tropics. It is likely that, throughout the next decade, well over 200 million people will be taking the drug annually or semi-annually, via innovative globally-coordinated Mass Drug Administration (MDA) programmes. Indeed, the discovery, development and deployment of ivermectin, produced by an unprecedented partnership between the Private Sector pharmaceutical multinational Merck & Co. Inc., and the Public Sector Kitasato Institute in Tokyo, aided by an extraordinary coalition of multidisciplinary international partners and disease-affected communities, has been recognized by many experts and observers as one of the greatest medical accomplishments of the 20th century.15) In referring to the international efforts to tackle Onchocerciasis in which ivermectin is now the sole control tool, the UNESCO World Science Report concluded, “the progress that has been made in combating the disease represents one of the most triumphant public health campaigns ever waged in the developing world”.16)
Nazadnje urejeno:


11. sep 2007


Osebje foruma
18. sep 2007

Kje je pa tukaj omenjeno zdravljenje covidnih bolnikov?




Osebje foruma
18. sep 2007
Jaz sem te vprašal, kje v tem članku (Ivermectin, ‘Wonder drug’ from Japan: the human use perspective ) omenjajo covid, drugače ga zbriši, ker nima veze z to temo. Pa nena limaj vsepovprek.

Spet ta NIH:


Moderate-certainty evidence finds that large reductions in COVID-19 deaths are possible using ivermectin. Using ivermectin early in the clinical course may reduce numbers progressing to severe disease. The apparent safety and low cost suggest that ivermectin is likely to have a significant impact on the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic globally.


16. avg 2007
Samo zaj pa že kaki tedn nisi tite ivermektin slike lepo. Popuščaš?
  • Haha
Reactions: sad


16. avg 2007
To je že blo kdaj objavljeno? Taki lepi povzetek za ivermektin. Nevem nisem še zasledil. :rolleyes:


9. maj 2012
Ne velja za cepivo. Sicer pa tudi cepivo po nejgovem vzameš ko zboliš, prej ni potrebe.