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25. avg 2007

Priznana in nagrajena karikaturistka Ann Telnaes je dala odpoved na časopisu Washington Post, ker ta ni želel objaviti njene karikature. Na njej je bil upodobljen lastnik časopisa in šef podjetja Amazon Jeff Bezos, kako z drugimi milijarderji kleči pred novoizvoljenim predsednikom ZDA Donaldom Trumpom.


6. sep 2007

NYC halal food cart worker caught catching pigeon with bare hands: ‘Beyond disgusted’

A Queens food truck worker captured a pigeon using a plastic bag and ominously brought it back to his cart, according to shocking viral footage of the incident.
A commuter waiting for a bus spotted the worker feeding the birds next to the MS Halal truck near the Rego Center Mall on Queens Boulevard on Dec. 29.
Oriana Biersack said she saw the man look around to see if anyone was watching and then tried unsuccessfully to grab one of the birds from a flock, at which point she started filming with her phone.The man tried again and managed to grab one, shoving it in a plastic bag and returning to the food truck, the footage shows.
On Tuesday, a different worker operating the MS Halal truck said the pigeon wrangler has since been fired.
“The boss saw the video and the same day told him he’s out,” Bangladesh-native Muhammad Mola told The Post. “He’s never coming back to our cart.”
But the nine-year cart veteran insisted the man — who he said is from his home country and was just filling in at the cart, which sells items such as meat patties, burgers and chicken or lamb over rice — was simply trying to rescue a bird whose legs got tied up. He claimed the bird was freed after the ordeal.
“They take care of them. The law is different here and he’s new, he doesn’t know the law here.” Bangladesh is home to many pigeon farms and several different species of the bird, according to reports. They are commonly reared for food as well as flying and racing.
The Health Department visited the cart Tuesday and found “no evidence of pigeons,” or any other violation.

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